My Cake

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I stared at Fiona, unsure of what she meant. I was trying, real damn hard too, to control my breathing and regulate my heart trying to beat out of my chest. I was scared.

Not for me. For Kiel.

Stupid. So stupid. I should be receiving some kind of an award for stupid right now.

Fiona had said two words and it had shook my world for a minute.

Hell, my world was still a little askew.

She had said, "We know,"

I was staring blankly at her wondering whether I should be opening that can of worms.

"Know what?" I ask slowly.

Fiona shared a look with Denzel and I was ready to commit murder. I hate these 'looks' they share. Like when someone is reading a book and they laugh and I just have to know what they're laughing at. Yes, I have a streak of curiosity the length of a mile, so sue me.

"That forbidden fruit is said to taste the sweetest," she says.

I stared.

Was she giving me a lesson about Adam and Eve?

Oh, wait. Forbidden fruit?

Sex? She was giving me the sex talk?

Oh lord. I can't do this again. It was bad enough when Glinda gave it to me, seperately, after it was given to the class and later when Gin gave it to me as well when technically she should be giving it to herself, five times over.

I mean, do I look like someone who's going to have sex like a bunny rabbit?

Forget I asked that.

"Are we talking about sex? Because I'm-"

"Oh, good Lord," Denzel muttered, rubbing his forehead with his palm and looked like he'd lost seven years of his life.

Fiona's face was the colour of a tomato.

"Oh, good. So we're not?" I asked.

"Most definitely not." Denzel muttered throwing me a look over his shoulder.

I pout. This was supposed to be the fun car.

"So what are we talking about?" I ask, utterly confused.

"You and Kiel-" Fiona started, but I cut through, attempting to act like I don't care by being funny.

"I can point out a few mistakes in that sentence-" I was cut off.

"You two eye each other like you want to meet in an empty alley and-"

I shut my ear not wanting to hear what came next. When I removed my hands from my ear all I heard Denzel say was "out of your systems."

Oh, Christ. I didn't need to be a rocket scientist to figure what that one was about.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, rubbing my forehead.

"We're saying," Fiona said, throwing Denzel a disapproving look.

Good disapprove him. Disapprove all over his ass.

"That attraction is normal but maybe you shouldn't make such a...spectacle about it."

Now I was seriously confused.

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