My Family

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There are probably many typos. But ignore them, they're just trying to be rude. When ever you see them, think "I am rubber, you are glue. What ever you say bounces of me and sticks to you."

A father's goodness is higher than the mountain, a mother's goodness deeper than the sea.

--Japanese Proverb


"Did you honestly think that you can release so much power and not expect us to find you? Do you know that every spell you cast is as useful as a tracking device to us? Your magic is like a fingerprint, or a credit card swipe. It can help trace you across the world." Malcolm said.

I had never more wished for Malcolm's dog to be alive so that it could eat him or something.

"What do you want?" I asked, as Derek went super-fast mojo and came and stood to my right; Kiel to my left.

My voice sounded terribly cold even to me. That was when William stepped forward and I tensed. My fists tightened and I resisted from smacking him on his ass.

"Kiera..." he said. I heard a rumbling ticked off sound come from Kiel and I mentally called a ditto to his reaction.

"What?" I growled at him.

Will held out his hand and said, "You don't need to be with him. Let's go. They can't hurt you, I'll protect you."

I'm pretty sure I laughed for ten minutes. My stomach hurt from laughing, that's how silly this situation seemed to me.

Then as Will watched, I pulled my mate forward and planted a kiss smack-dab on his mouth.

"Still think I want to leave?" I asked, leaning back on Kiel, crossing my arms.

"See," Malcolm said, stepping forward a little, "I expected you to do that."

Then, I'm not sure what happened, but I heard Derek shout "They've got back-up!"

But it was too late, because Kiel and Derek then grunted as if something had hit them. They went to their knees. I fell to mine, facing Kiel, my eyes flitting to look at Derek as well.

"Kiel," I whispered, my palms lifting to press against his cheek.

He lifted his eyes to meet mine, before pulling something out of his thigh with his left hand. Derek muttered some rather surprising words and pulled something from his neck with his right hand.


Derek and Kiel looked like they couldn't move. Anger filled me. Who had done that?

My eyes narrowed and I whipped around to look at the men gathered in front of me, "Who did that?" I asked, my magic filling my palms. I got ready to kick some ass when I heard a muffled sound and something sharp pierced my neck. I gasped as pain filled my bones and I felt...empty. I tried to pull on my power, but I couldn't. Where my power had once been, all I could feel was emptiness. My knees dropped to the floor and I couldn't feel it.

I fell. But I couldn't feel it.

When I was pulled into someone's arms, my eyes met Kiel's. He was being restrained by some a Vamp and the same was being done with Derek. I don't know why they were doing that, because neither of them could put up a fight. We were all paralyzed. For a second I could look under the hood of the Vamp that held Kiel. It was scar-face. I remembered him from the time he stood in my way and didn't let me, Gin and aunt Glinda in, when we had gone for Kiel's birthday. My eyes were the only things I could control, so I slipped them back to Kiel. Kiel's eyes were ablaze and he looked angry. He looked very angry.

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