My Tell

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Dedicated to best friends and people in love.

It has nothing to do with the chapter...but I just felt like it. This chapter is the smallest I've written so far, despite the effort that went into it. Sad face. Buuuuuut, I do hope you like it. The song there------------> is Crush by David Archuleta. <3!


My eyes widened at Kiel's unapologetic tone. I dragged in a deep breath, before realizing that I shouldn't have done that. Kiel's mouthwatering scent of cinnamon and spice overloaded my senses, and I almost fainted.

Why had he threatened the other Vamp?

"Why?" I asked, looking up at him.

"Because I can," came the reply.

I let out a low chuckle and shook my head. Then reality kicked in. I dropped my hand from where it was clenched in his cape.

My eyes widened in panic.

Anybody could have seen us!

I quickly backed away, or at least tried to. Kiel's hand, that was still pressed against my back, made it impossible for me to move. I looked up at Kiel, as he flicked his hair out of his face by jerking his head to the right. His piercing came into view again and I inhaled sharply.

Stupid mistake.

I bit my lip against the groan that threatened to spill out.

Why did he smell so damn good?

I placed my hand (the one that had clutched his cape, because the other held onto my cake for dear life) on his forearm, and almost jerked in surprise at the muscle definition I could feel beneath my fingers. I forced myself to not give into temptation and explore, but to try to pull out of his hold.

"Kiel..." I said, slowly, because his fangs were still down and his eyes had taken on a slight glow.

Like a switch being turned off, Kiel backed off, walking away from me in a different direction.

I sighed.


I just made the guy who bought me cake, mad. What a blasphemy. I was the Antichrist, the apocalypse and a catastrophe all rolled into one tiny package.

I managed to join the group and when I was faced with questioning looks, I lifted my cake up in reply as to where I'd gone.

When Derek started inching towards me to take a peek into my cake bag, I whipped it away from him and gave him my best crazy-old-aunt-who-lives-with-forty-cats stare to let him know how I felt.

No one touches my cake.

He pouted and stuck his tongue out at me.

"Real mature," I said, rolling my eyes as Derek handed me my luggage and ushered me forward. I looked around for Kiel, while gnawing on my thumb nail in worry.

Derek just snorted, "Says the girl who wears tom and jerry panties to bed,"

I gasped and stared at Derek and kicked his leg.

When the hell had he seen that?

Yes, I won't deny it. I do have tom and jerry panties. I'd like to see you find some for yourself when you can't fit into the kid's section because while your height maybe lacking, your.. assets are not.

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