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Late update? Story of my life. *eyerolld* I'm sorry. Like more of you konw, college is a beech and she's kicking my ass. She's like a beech and karma rolled into one.

The ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL cover to the side was made by DRAMALLAMA37! I absolutely love it! IF ANYONE ELSE HAS SUCH AMAZING STUFF TO SEND TO ME, OR YOU JUST WANT TO SAY SOMETHING TO ME (SOMETHING NICE, HOPEFULLY) YOU CAN PM ME ON tonystaklover95@gmail.com Yes, I know. How cliche. But hey, who doesn't love RDJ? :D

This chapter is dedicated to DRAMALLAMA37 as well! Because she's totes a Unicorn! And I love me some unicorns! <3

In case I take too long, can I update chapter in parts? Or would you rather wait for the whole thing? Lemme know, you sexy faces!


You know when you're so hungry after ordering for food, that you either stare at the clock or do something stupid?

I had resorted to doing something stupid. I had found one of those pens with five colours and was pressing all the buttons at the same time, with absolutely no avail.

"It's not going to work, sweetheart."Kiel said, as he leaned over the back of the couch I was sitting on, to press a kiss to my temple.

I grumbled at him, " It's either me entertaining myself or you entertaining me. Choose wisely."

He chuckled and walked around the couch to drop down next to me and turned on the TV. He sifted through channels looking for something to watch. When I heard a voice I loved, I chucked aside the pen I had and pounced onto Kiel to retrieve the remote. I switched it back to the previous channel and squealed.

"The Avengers!" I cheered. This ought to distract me.

I nudged Kiel, "Loki's gonna come now." I said, grinning at him.

Kiel stretched out his arm to the back of the sofa and pressed it to my shoulder, leaning forward to nuzzle my cheek.

I settled back to watch RDJ rock the house like a boss.

When the bell rang a few minutes later, I almost stumbled on my own feet to get to the door.

I started singing the song that comes in Ice Age 2, ignoring Kiel when he called my name.

"Food! Glorious food!"

When I pulled the door open to Derek who was standing with open arms next to a very serious looking Jet.

"Oh," I said, my face dropping, "It's you."

Derek blinked, his arms dropping.

"Your lack of enthusiasm is humbling." He said and Jet grinned.

"God knows you need it." I said, snorting. I waved them in.

"Thanks for inviting me into my own house." Derek said, looking disgruntled.

Kiel was still sitting on the couch with both his arms behind his head. Still no shirt on.

"It's not your house. It's mine." Kiel said.

Derek muttered something that had Kiel chuckling.

Jet looked me up and down, "Your fashion sense keeps growing better as I know you."

I sat back down, folding my legs beneath me and pulling the shirt down.

"Ha. Ha." I said. Derek and Jet then came to stand in front of us and stared hard.

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