The Storm

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"Motherf-" I swore but Gin was in front of me dabbing something onto my lips.

"Woman!" I growled, "What the hell is that? Bees? It stings."

"Shut up," Gin said, continuing with her crazy antics.

"Pout please." She said.

What the eff?

I pouted. She was now putting on something that smelt really amazing. I bet it tastes amazing too.

"That smells great. Can I taste it?" I asked.

She threw me the meanest glare ever. Gee, why was she so pissed off?

"What's your problem?" I grumbled, which made me lips move and get whatever she was putting on me onto my teeth. I quickly licked it off.

"I need the perfect color," she said, "It has to compliment the dress to the T. Every color I've tried on you so far, looks great. But I don't want great. I want per-freaking-ect."

I was left blinking in her wake as she shuffled away to pull our more boxes of lip color.

"Honestly, how much more do you have in there?" I asked. That was like the sixth box. And they were all big ass boxes. Every single shade of lip color was arranged according to their intensity of color and I knew her control freak-ery ways won't let her have it any other way other than in perfect order.

How did she have the patience to put it all back when she was done?

She tried on another color then leaned back, shook her head, brought a wet washcloth to my mouth and wiped it away neatly. Then she tried on another color which looked exactly like the first hundred she tried on me.

"How about purple?" I asked, grinning.

The look she threw me would have withered Hulk. Okaay, then. No more attempts at humor.

Then she sat down in front of me with her palm holding a lip color, and closed her eyes, I leaned forward, incredulous.

"Are you praying?" I asked, disbelief coloring my tone.

Her eyes snapped open, "Yes. I need a freaking miracle here."

"I'm pretty sure I should be offended by that, but I just want this to end. So I'm going to pray too." I said and I prayed too.

Please let this be the right one. I want to have lips left.

Before I could open my eyes, Gin was applying the lip color on me, I squeezed my eyes tighter. Please, please, please. I won't steal food from anyone else's plate anymore.

I heard a gasp and my eyes snapped open.

"It's perfect," she said.

Oh, thank eff.

"Now that we're done," I said and started to stand but Gin just threw me a funny look.

"Done? We just started. I finished you lips. Now I have the rest of you left."

The rest of me? Oh cripe.

I sat down, cautiously, wondering what she meant. She disappeared into her big ass dressing room where she hid all her tools of torture. I was a hot mess by the time she came back out, I was imagining all kinds of horrible things. But what she brought with her surpassed my expectations. And my nightmares.

I jumped up. "Whoa. No." I said, stepping away and to the door.

She pointed one finger at me, "Sit. Down."

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