Peeing In The Past

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Updaaate! Not bad huh? How many people here are proud of me? Say I'm proud of you in the comments if you've read this. Onto the chappy now! Hope you enjoy!


"So you're saying that they want to kill Derek because what, he possess the ability to see the future and can warn us about any potential future threats?" I asked, abso-freaking-lutely shocked out of my wits. I stared at my mate, sitting across from me in the tub/Jacuzzi.

Kiel nodded at me and I grimaced, knowing that I had my time-to-hurt-someone expression.

"I'm assuming we were separated from Jet and Gin because you pushed Derek out of the way and both of your hands weren't touching Jet anymore because of the impact. I'm also assuming that I took my hand off Jet when I was shot. So how did I end up with you? I should've been a human pretzel somewhere right about now, technically." I said.

Kiel gave me a look that told me just how much I amused him, which was well, zero.

"I was holding onto you, and my other hand was on Derek. So we dropped together." He said.

I dropped my head back, relaxing my neck and shutting my eyes, trying not to think. Like I could help it. We were God knows where. Gin and Jet were God knows where. How can we even contact each other? Oh. Did Jet have a phone on him? Or did Derek? I hoped they did. I didn't want them separated from the group, alone. Doing smurf knows what. When I heard the sounds of water rippling, I was too comfortable to even lift my head. When I felt a kiss on my neck, I snapped my eyes open. I met eyes that were only ringed with violet, but filled with black in the centre. His fangs had dropped as well.

I whispered his name to him, and his eyes shut for a second. I lifted my hand to trace his eyebrow piercing, then rubbed my thumb against his high cheekbones before lifting my index to run it down his nose. Just when he was going to lean in towards me, a loud banging noise had us stilling. Then, we heard stomping steps, like someone was making noise on purpose.

Kiel and I had the same WTF expression on our faces.

"Hey, guys! I'm in the room!" Derek shouted from outside.

"I'm walking towards the bathroom, because I need to pee. And if you're doing anything, please stop. I don't want to see." He said, pronouncing the words slowly like we were deaf or something. I rolled my eyes.

"We can hear you! You don't need to cause a ruckus. Now, hold your fire, because I need to put something on." I shouted back. Kiel sighed in front of me, going back to his previous position and shutting his eyes. Waiting to see if he was peeking or not, I slowly slipped out and pulled on a soft silk robe that was folded neatly on top of shelves.

"If you guys don't get out now, I'm going to open fire right here." He warned from outside.

Kiel and I swore and I rushed out of the bathroom, and almost face-planted into Derek who looked like he was playing hop scotch on the spot. Kiel and I got away from him, while he ran into the bathroom. He didn't even close the door behind him and I wasn't going anywhere closer than where I was. Kiel seemed to be thinking the same thing, because he lifted his hand and made a swiping movement to the left. The door shut and I sighed.

Funny I hadn't thought to do that, I mused.

I turned to look at Kiel and stared. He hadn't had time to grab a robe, so all he was wearing was a towel, hanging precariously low on his hips. I snapped my hands onto my eyes.

"Your almost-nakedness is not good for my ovaries." I muttered at him. He huffed out a laugh.

"I feel that way even when you're dressed," he confessed to me.

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