Pizza, Gore and One Word

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I looked down at the ear plugs with a blank expression. I guess that was one way to put up with the sound. I took it from him with a grin. I was about to say thank you, when a soung rivaling that of the thunder outside, rumbled from inside me.

My mouth stayed open in shock.

That was me?

"I'm assuming that wasn't the thunder," Kiel said, with eyebrows raised.

"Yeah, that was definitely me." I said, patting my stomach.

"Is that normal? I don't think my stomach has ever made that sound was like it was crying." I said, throwing my stomach a worried glance.

"Yeah, crying for food." he said. When I looked up at him he said, "You haven't eaten anything all day."

"Oh. Was that my stomach saying it was hungry?" I asked fascinated, poking my stomach to see if it would make that sound again.

"Why are you talking like you've never heard your stomach grumble?" he asked, a small quirk to his lips.

"Because I don't think I've ever heard that sound before. Sure I've had a few situations where it would whine a little, but this-," I spluttered, "This wasn't a whine. This was a tantrum. Never happened before!"

"You're hungry," he stated.

I throw him a blank look.

"You don't say," I said.

He threw me a look that stated he didn't appreciate my sarcasm. Ha. Like I care...much.

"You were a stubborn brat-"

I cleared my throat.

He just threw me a look and continued, "-and didn't eat anything in the morning either. And then for dinner-"

"Dinner?" I asked, surprised. I hadn't has dinner. Hell, there had never been dinner! What dinner? Where was I when dinner was being served? Where was I when any kind of serving was happening?

"-we had pizza-"


Okay now I was mad.

"Can we just assume that everything I say is true, so you don't have to repeat after me?" He asked and I huffed in indignation.

"You had food without me!" I accused, pointing an accusy finger, very accusingly, at him.

"I wanted to call you," he said, pointing a finger at me, "Gina said you'd probably fallen asleep, otherwise you'd have come out claiming you were hungry."

I was going to huff something else, when he continued, "But, I came and rang the bell, you didn't open-"

"You what? I what?"

Had I fallen asleep while in hiding? No wonder everything was super dark once I came out. The thunder must've woken me up. I hadn't eaten anything all day. Wow. I'd always thought a Zombie apocalypse was more likely...guess not.

"I've saved some for you," he said.

I looked up, swallowing. "Thank you," I said softly, tucking the ear plugs into the pockets of my shorts.

He shrugged and indicated to the door. I walked to it and tugged it open, before remembering my blanky and turning back. I almost knocked onto Kiel. I looked up ad stilled as he looked down.

Danger. Danger. Beep. Beep.

Thanks, brain I didn't know that.

I dodged him and went to the large bed and collected my trusted blanket and rolled it up in my hands and clutched it to my chest, like it could protect me.

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