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"In a mad world, only the mad are sane."

― Akira Kurosawa

Enjoy my Unicorns! Sorry if there are any typos! <3 Okay, I know this is confusing but something happened and the last two chapters were deleted from the book and pasted unfer my works. I would LOVE YOU FOREVER if you can please please vote for it again. :D Be a Unicorn?


My breath caught and I met Kiel's eyes. A tear slipped free from mine and his glowed. With relief? Pride? I couldn't tell. Not with mine brimming with tears.

I turned to look for Glinda. Then I looked back for Gin and stilled when I didn't see Gin or Will. Where had they gone?

"Come here, sweetheart." Kiel said. His voice sounded louder in the shocked silence, even though all he had done was murmur the words.

I looked up at the raised platform again, meeting my mate's eyes. He was holding his hand out and looking right at me. Without fear.

My heart had sped up and my breath hitched. Oh shit, I was going to trip and fall and everyone was going to laugh at me.

I'm never wearing heels again. Or a dress.

The guests were looking around and some of them standing closest to me had realized that Kiel was looking at me. I sucked it up and started to step forward. My eyes didn't waver from Kiel's. I didn't look at anyone else.

Not at his father. Not at his maybe bride. Not at Glinda.

Just him.

Only him.

Surprisingly my legs didn't shake, my breath didn't hitch, my heart didn't stutter. I was calm. Clear headed. I was back to normal because of him. He made me this way. Granted he also drives me up the damn wall, but let's leave that for another day.

I pushed through many people as they held their breath and stared at me as if praying that what they thought wasn't true.

I stepped onto the raised platform and many people gasped. Yes. What they thought was true.

A Vampire had blooded with a Witch. And they were both Heirs.

I walked up to Kiel and placed my hand in his with a smile. His piercing glinted as he winked at me. Surprised at the open gesture my own eyebrows raised. But before I could think anything else, he pulled me flush against his chest. Tracing a path with his palms down my back, he rested them on my waist. I stared up at him wondering what he was going to do now. I was ready to bet on the worst and just like I'd guessed, his lips descended on mine nipping and punishing, at the same time nuzzling and peppering. Did I say worst? I meant best.

"I've been wanting to that from the minute I saw you." He said when he leaned back.

When we broke apart I was a little breathless and a lot happy. Intertwining my fingers with his, I smiled up at him. There was a small smile on his lips and his eyes were hooded. He pushed me a little behind him as he stepped forward. I couldn't see his face so I moved to the side a little. I noticed that when he looked back at the crowd, his eyes were angry, defiant as if daring anyone to say anything, his face however remained blank. Emotionless. Anyone who says anything is going to have a very rough night.

Luckily, no one said anything.

I was about to let out a sigh of relief when multiple things happened at the same time.

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