Endorphins and Entertainers

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Let's just get right into it, then. Enjoy! :D


You can safely, very very safely, say I was an effing brat since I came back home. I have walked out of dinners, I have stopped replying to anything Glinda has asked (politely) to me, I have ignored Will (okay, this I just wanted to do, it has nothing to do with my master-plan), I have made an effing scene and yeah. I think I'm getting my point across. Gin discreetly gave me a thumbs up.

I bet she was having a very, that's my girl moment. I sure as hell was. But I clearly needed to up my game because Glinda hadn't actually stepped down from that damn high mantle she was sitting on and talked to me. The most she said was on the dining table and it went something like this:

Glinda: Kiera, pass me the salt.

Me: *chomping on my food and acting deaf*

Glinda: Kiera. Pass me the salt. (She says this very slowly like I hadn't heard her the first time. Yeah. Right.)

Me: *more chomping*

Then Glinda just asked the person (who ever that was) next to me to pass her the salt. She had a very strict no-magic on the dining table rule. It was stupid, if you ask me. She could have saved herself from having to ask me if she'd just used magic. Then, I wouldn't have gotten the chance to ignore her. Wait. I'm liking this no-magic on the table thing.

The kiss-ass next to me passed the salt and our sort-of-not-a-conversation ended. Damn, and I was getting real interested in what she was saying.



I grinned evilly as I checked the clock. 3 A.M. Oh, yeah. I placed my e-reader aside, since my chances of falling asleep were just...zero. I hopped off my bed and bum-rushed to the kitchen. When I saw what I saw there I almost wept. I hauled ass to Edwardo and wrapped my arms around him. Oh, how I've missed you.

"Did you miss me?" I whispered, resting my cheek against him and sighing when I heard the healthy vibrating sound that Edwardo has always had. I'd like to think he was purring.

"Of course you did."

I heard a small click amongst the purring.

Then I leaned back and stared at Edwardo.

"You're mad at me?" I asked, flabbergasted.

Another weird, unhealthy click followed by whirring noises.

"The hell did I do?" I asked, throwing my hands up in the air.

Edwardo said nothing. Oh, now I was mad.

"You know, if we want this to work, we have to talk. Like normal people do when they're in a relationship." I said, my hands on my hips.

I wanted for a few more minutes and the healthy vibrating/buzzing/purring sound was back. I sighed, "Just because you're insecure doesn't mean I cheated on you. I don't even know if they had a fridge there."

No response.

"And God knows what you were doing here while I was away. But you don't see me asking you do you? It's called trust. It's a new shiny word I'm going to teach you." I said.

Then I opened Edwardo and sighed.


Chocolate cake. And it had card on the plate that said G on it. I grinned. Bingo. I knew she'd bought a cake and where else would she keep it? With a damn card that too. Does she think that's going to stop me? Pfft. She doesn't know me at all, clearly.

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