The Awakening and the Meet

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"Kiera Calloway," the High Priestess of my Coven, Daughters of the Moon, Glinda Fallon murmured, the firm pressure of her index and middle finger on my forehead, a reminder of what was to come next.

My eyes, which were now greenish brown, but would change colour as soon as my Awakening took place depending on my power, looked up to meet Glinda's. Her own wise gold eyes looked down at me and had an almost instant calming effect on my nerves that were stretched taut.

God, I hope I don't have two different eye colours like some freaky cat that stares at you like your the next tuna fish it wants to rip into.

"Kneel." she murmured and I followed her instructions. My hands were moist and I tried to wipe them against my long green gown without anyone noticing.

Yeah. No one's going to notice two suspiciously hand-like wet splotches on a bright green dress.

I kneeled.

Glinda started to speak in the Old Language and almost instinctively, my spine straightened against the onslaught of power that skidded over me, causing my blood to rush in my veins.

I could hear nothing over the beat of my heart and the rush of my blood when something uncurled in my stomach. Something strong.

But like muscles that had not been used for long, they hurt from the sudden movement.

Mother of a witch.

A small gasp left me as the pain of something powerful spread out within me and reached out to touch every cell in every part of me.

Warmth and pain rushed from my core, outwards and I realized it wanted out.

"No," I gritted out, my eyes clenched tight.

"Let it out, child." Glinda murmured in my ear.

"Too much," I bit out, "might hurt..someone."

"You won't. There's a shield around everyone here. Do what feels natural." Glinda said to me, her voice low and gentle, but I could feel the underlying anticipation and curiosity in her voice.

I felt like I wanted to pick up something, bat at my power and go 'back! back! back!' for all the pain it was causing me.

Natural instinct, however...

Slowly uncurling tendrils of power out of me, I started to release it.

I could see gold everywhere. My power was Gold. As soon as little came out, the rest rushed to follow its path and a heady feeling took over me as power rushed out of me.

Glasses broke and shattered everywhere. The glass pane windows, ripped themselves free out of their frames and splintered into a million pieces. Chandeliers, plates, glasses, ear rings, anything remotely breakable, was broken and rained down on me.

I didn't feel any fear as I lifted one hand, so that none of the shattered shards smashed into the floor, but rather slowed in their descent and touched the floor like someone had plucked them and placed them down themselves.

It was pretty cool to watch them float slowly to the floor. And I felt like I could puff my chest up and walk around like a rooster for the next ten days.

I slowly stood and met Glinda's gaze, realizing my eyes would possess the same colour as hers.

Her golden eyes flicked around us before she looked back at me.

"Kiera Calloway," she said, her back straightened and something akin to pride shone in her eyes.

I'd be proud if my niece did something as kickass as blowing million dollars in four seconds. At least I think it's kickass. Not sure how Glinda would look at that. I'd probably have to fix it. Or get my ass kicked.

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