Diamonds, Coded Passwords and Red Paint

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"I've got the guts to die. What I want to know is, have you got the guts to live?"

— Tennessee Williams

I hope you like this chapter. This is like the chapter where reality sort of sets in with both of them and acts like the kill to their buzz. I's only been a day since they kissed...but what can you do right?


I let out a sigh in relief when Kiel's eyes softened and his lips lifted in a happy smile that made me wanna do the jig like a drunk college girl who thought that no one was watching her embarrass herself.

Yeah, right.

I thumped his shoulder, "Don't do that again." I grumbled.

Then, suddenly, everything went quiet. I blinked and looked about and crickets started making their own weird noises and wind softened to a soft cool breeze. I stared around me.

Seriously? Where had the whole threatening 'I'm going to piss on you' thing the sky was doing, gone?'

I looked up, through the canopy and from what little I could see, the skies had cleared and not a single whisper of sound snuck past the silent clouds. I gaped.

This reminded me of that dog that Malcolm used to own. He was the most annoying little thing ever. Honestly, something so small shouldn't be so damn annoying (I don't count here). It would bark and bark and drive us insane the few times that we went to the Male Witch's HQ for reasons I honestly don't remember. We would beg for it to shut up, attempt to play with it and promise all kinds of favors but the damn terror would not...stop...barking. But then, Malcolm would come home and the world would become a happy quiet place and the damn terror would just sit down and wag its tail like it hadn't ruined my life and my ear drums for the past two hours. And, of course, Malcolm would never believe us about him when we tried to tell him.

I'm pretty sure I've given the dog the bird many times. I stopped though, because he seemed to understand what it was, as every time I showed it my middle finger it would try to snap my hand off.

Damn dog.

"What are you thinking about?" Kiel asked, as he tugged me down the path back home (I think).

"Losing my hand." I said, honestly.

He threw me a look that told me how much I confused him. I just snickered before wincing, when something sharp pieced the skin of my heel. I heard a crunch.

And then...

All hell broke loose.

I ripped my hand free from Kiel's hold and started hopping in circles, howling like that terror of a dog Malcolm owned when he was hungry.

"Ow ow ow..." I wailed, as I continued to play hop scotch on the forest floor.

"Sweetheart, stop..." Kiel tried to catch hold of me, but I was like an effing energizer bunny on a polo stick.

"Son of a-" I spluttered searching for the right swear word, "-foot bleeding, hopping, polo stick using-"

Hands pulled me off the ground and against familiar, comforting warmth.

"I'm going to die of-" I started, before Kiel cut me off with a laugh.

"You're not going to die from bleeding in the foot."

"And how do you know that?" I asked, raising my chin up a notch and crossing my arms across my chest, which was a little hard since he was carrying me with one hand under my back and the other below my knees...but I still managed. Like a boss. Or like the Pink Ranger...always liked her. Very much. And the Silver Ranger...I totally used to crush on him. In the series I used to watch he looked so damn hot and even kid-me knew that he was something worth crushing on.

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