The Lull Before

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I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I am doing this for Kiel. I am doing this for Kiel. Oh, they better have cake in that damn party. And it better be chocolate. The party was tomorrow and Derek had already called me to tell me that an invitation to attend the celebration was extended to Glinda (with no response from her). Oh what I would do without him. Now I just had to work my magic on my aunt.

I opened my eyes and stepped in.

Okay. Step one. Be nice.

Okay, what do I do first then? Say good morning, of course.

So I walked up to Glinda, after grabbing a plate from the pile placed in the center of the table, and I smiled at her. She was eating toast and she stared up at me when I smiled at her.

"Good morning." I said in my sweetest voice. The whole room went quiet.

I looked around. What happened? Did Big Foot make an appearance? I looked around and every damn eye was on me. Some mouths were hanging low as well. I raised my eyebrows at them...and they just kept staring. What the hell was up with that?

I ignored them and looked at my aunt who had a very suspicious look on her face. Seriously, if I wore nothing to breakfast people wouldn't notice, but God forbid I be nice, the whole room stares.

How messed up was that?

"May I sit next to you?" I asked. Glinda stared.

"Are you serious?" a snide voice asked and I turned to look at Cara's surprised eyes.

Oh, how I'd missed her obnoxious presence.

I was about to be sarcastic, when I realized that wouldn't help me right now. So I looked confused and said, "Yes, I am."

Cara stared, then she got up and stepped away, "Are you like possessed?"

No, that would be you sweetheart.

"I seriously don't know what you're talking about." I said and looked back down expectantly at Glinda.

"Yes, you may." She said and tilted her head to the Witch next to her, who nodded at her and got up to leave. While leaving, said Witch threw me a distrustful expression. Gee. What the hell?

I stepped toward my aunt and sat my small ass down and smiled at her, setting my plate down in front of me and looking to see what was on the table for today. Lots of toast.

I grabbed five slices and got down to buttering them up. I hummed as I mixed the right amount of butter and stared at the jam, judging how much of it would be perfect to maintain the consistency. I needed it to be perfect. I looked at Glinda who was staring at me.

I grinned, "Beautiful morning." I said.

"I hear it's going to rain," I heard from behind me. I turned to grin at Gin, who returned the gesture before staring at the girl next to me real hard. The girl blinked at Gin, before hauling ass away from me. Gin slid in next to me and I looked back at Glinda.

"So..." I said.

Glinda looked at me, seeming expectant of what I would say next.

"Hey, I spoke to Derek yesterday-" Gin started and I turned to give her my total attention, she seemed a little surprised by the speed with which I whipped my head.

I whip my head back and forth. I was in full on remix mode. Oh damn, now it's going to get stuck in my head.

"Oh yeah? What'd he say?" I asked, innocently.

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