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Like the previous chapter, this was deleted too. So, now it's up again. So...Vote? Please?


Kiel was lying on the floor with blood spilling rapidly from his wounds. His breathing was shallow and his eyes were closed. I was screaming. I know I was. Why couldn't anyone hear me?

What was I doing, just standing here?

I have to do something. Help him. Something.

My eyes snapped open, sweat beading my forehead. What the hell. I pressed a hand to my heart, untangling my legs from Kiel's sheets as I got off his bed. I stumbled a little as I walked to the Paint Room, assuming that was where he would be. When I saw Kiel inside, with earphones on and a paint on his arms, despite holding a paintbrush in his arm, I sighed.

Just a bad dream. Just. A. Bad. Dream.

When the hell had I fallen asleep? What the hell was the time? What day was it? God. I felt so helpless doing nothing. I slowly padded up to Kiel and stood next to him. I could hear music pounding through his earphones. It had to be messing with his ears. He tilted his head to the side to look at me. His eyes were still black. I smiled up at him and tugged on his earphones. They came off. I ran my fingers along the length of them and pulled out his iPod from the pocket of his jean. Pressing the pause button, I bent to lay the iPod down. Then I tugged on his arm, he didn't move. Not even a micro centimeter (if that even existed).

We have got to work on this lack of physical strength on my side. Maybe I should buy a crowbar or something.

"Come on, Kiel." I said and he carefully placed the brush he had in his hand aside and let me (emphasis on that) drag him away from the room that used to be his everything. Where he could be him.

I took him to one of my favorite places. The kitchen. He just followed, his fingers clenching on mine possessively. I was hungry, but there was nothing to eat here. It would be pointless to leave anything here. It would just get spoilt. So I just hopped onto the counter and patted on the spot next to me. Kiel approached without hesitating, but he didn't sit next to me. Rather he leaned a hip on the counter next to my knee. For some time, we just looked at each other and listened to the calming sound of the waves. If I closed my eyes, I could even imagine the wind on my face.

"We have no phone, no money, no food..." I said, "Yeah, that sums it up."

Kiel turned, coming to stand in between my knees, placing both his hands on either side of me. He leaned in, taking a deep breath. He met my eyes, heating me up. My skin burned with a need that only he could sate. No. If we do this again, we won't stop.

"But, we do have water." I said in the most fakest bright tone ever. I tried to hop off the counter to get away from him. But I was plastered against him. We were a Vamp-Witch sandwich. His hands came to span my waist and the warmth from his chest burned my palms.

"Kiel, I'm thirsty." I said, wiggling a little in his hold. He let me go slowly, as if to tell me that he didn't want to do it.

I stalked over to the fridge, opened it and pulled out another bottle of water, taking a long sip after removing the cap. I pressed the cool bottle against my cheek, in hopes to feel less hot than I did right now. I turned the bottle around, when something crunched against my cheek. My eyes snapped open and I blinked.

There was a folded paper taped to the bottle. I pulled it off and handed the bottle to Kiel, who had sauntered over to me when he saw the paper too. He took a sip from the bottle and replaced it back in the fridge and shut it.

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