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Something wasn't right. My gut was telling me this. My heart was telling me this. Hell, parts of me I didn't know existed was telling me this.

So I approached Derek.

We had all stopped at a hotel a few kilometres away from both the Witch Castle and the Vamp Lair. The museum was down the road.
Win-win no matter how it was looked at.

We still hadn't figured out how to get the information to both parties involved. We were still working on that.

I slipped out of the bed, where Kiel had surprisingly fallen asleep, having been exhausted. But he woke up when I moved, his hand latching onto my arm. His eyes opened lazily, sleepy violets, and he blinked up at me.

"Stay," he said, his hand moving to curl around my waist and drag me back down.

I pressed a hand to his and said, "I just want to talk to Derek."

Kiel's eyes opened and he looked like he was going to say that he would come too.

I shook my head. "Stay. Sleep."

Kiel tapped his ear, "I'll be listening." He said.

I rolled my eyes.

"God forbid I get scared of my own shadow here."

Which was highly possible because it was something past two and the corridors will be empty and you can guess the pictures that come to my mind when I think of stepping out at that hour. Alone.

He rests his head back and lets me go. I went out of the room and walked down the corridor and turned left, to reach Derek's room. When I knocked on his door I didn't hear any response. I called his name and pressed my ear to the door. I heard...nothing.

I figured he was probably asleep too and started to turn when a glint of gold flashed in the dim light.

Pressing a hand to my chest, I glared up at him.

"Are you crazy? I almost died." I growled at Dominic.

But Dominic was looking down, his eyes scrunched shut. As if in pain or concentration. I couldn't tell exactly, because of the shadows that masked his face.

I walked towards him slowly.

Kiera, I heard Kiel warn in my head.

Hold on, he looks...I couldn't finish that statement because I didn't know how to describe the desolate expression I could now see on his face, since I had stepped closer. 

Finally all I could tell Kiel was, I've got this.

Be careful. Kiel warned. One wrong move on his side and he's dead.

Fine, Terminator. I said.

I heard his rumble growl in my head. Half pissed and half sleepy and all adorable.

"Dominic." I whispered, standing as close to him as I dared.

His eyes opened and they were slightly bloodshot. His hands were fisted at his sides, like he was physically restraining himself from grabbing ahold of something.

"Um. Are you okay?" I asked.

Dominic let out a shuddering breath, then he started murmuring stuff. I couldn't hear everything he said.  

But I did catch a few things here and there.

"Find...her...grey eyes."

What the...

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