Pants On Fire

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"Lies require commitment."
― Veronica Roth, Divergent

ENJOOOY, my Unicorns! :D The song is Everything Has Changed by Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran. It's a beautiful song and it well....what more do you need?

As usual, ignore typos :)


Taking a deep breath, I stepped out with Kiel right beside me. He wrapped an arm around me, his warmth permeating through the dress I wore.

I flicked a look at him, but his eyes were two violet beams focused forward.

His straight nose and piercing drew my eye. His sooty long lashes cast sleek shadows on his high cheekbones.

How the eff are shadows sleek, Kiera?

Then, I stopped realizing something. Kiel turned with me, to face me, his eyes flicking over my features.

He looked at me, knowing that something was brewing in my head and he waited.

"Do you realize something?" I asked, cocking my head at him.

His head tilted slightly, his hair slipped to the side. Mesmerized I watched the colours play in his black and red hair. Lifting my hand to run through his soft strands, I reveled in being able do so.


I swear any other bish touched him, they'd wished they were-

"Should I be scared of the look in your eyes, sweetheart?" he asked, his thumb lifting to run softly against my chin.

I jerked a little at the endearment. It felt like it had been so long since he called me that. I leaned into his touch, as he lifted his finger to run it against my lips.

We need to work on our timing. I thought.

He smirked at me and I scowled realizing he'd heard me.

"Stay out of my head." I muttered, letting my hand drop from his hair to his nape. My other hand went to join its twin. I lifted to my toes, and watched as Kiel's eyes went half mast until only a strip of violet beamed through.

No, thanks. Kiel replied in my head in response to what I said.

Letting out a chuckle, I pressed myself against my mate. His hands dropped to my thighs and I sucked in a deep breath, because he was touching skin. Warmth stung every nerve ending and electricity sizzled between us, cackling in intensity.

Applying pressure on my thighs with his hand, he lifted me to his lips.

But before our lips touched, he stopped.

"You wanted to say something." he said.

Racking my brain for what exactly I wanted to say, I remembered.

"I don't think we've ever held hands." I whispered, closing my eyes and lifting my head.

When Kiel stilled, I opened my eyes. He seemed to be contemplating what I said.

"You're right." he said.

What were we talking about?

My endorphins addled brain couldn't perceive anything for a few minutes.

Kiel's lips slowly lifted in a smug smile and I realized he'd heard me. Again.

I huffed and let go of him, sliding to my feet and trying to ignore the delicious friction between us.

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