The Bruise

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I stared at Glinda's gold eyes, disbelievingly. Then I met Malcolm's serious but slightly less golden (more brown-ish) eyes. Then, finally I met Will's blue-golden eyes.

Lots of gold going around here.

It's funny that despite the gold, I could also see the real colour of their eyes.

I snapped myself out of observation mode and realized I had a situation going on here.

"You cannot be serious." I said, staring at the three crazy people in front of me.

"It's actually a good idea, Kiera." Glinda started.

"How? How is this a good idea? I don't see it. At all." I asked, throwing her an incredulous look.

"Well, for one you can get to know one another-"

I snapped my fingers in realization as to why this was happening to me.

"You're totally punishing me for the chocolate cake thing aren't you?" I asked looking at her in desperation.

"I'm-" Glinda blinked for a second, "Wait you're the one who ate my cake?"

I blinked.

Oh shit.

"You didn't know?"

Glinda narrowed her eyes and shook her head, her lips pursed.

I'd just dug my grave.

Clever Kiera, very clever. Must shut up more often.

"In my defence, I was sleep-eating." I said, trying to attempt my own version of the Bambi-look.

She glared at me before gritting out, "We'll talk about this later."

Dammit. How does the Bambi-look not work for me? Damn Gin, who was flirting with some blonde three hundred yards from all this poo.

Damn Will, who was grinning like he'd been told he could play video games all his life.

Actually that would make me happy... add chocolate to that and I'm in heaven.

I'm not sure what Will likes.

Probably stalking and not getting a clue.

"I don't want to go-"

"You can spend more time with Will." Glinda offered like that was supposed to tempt me to want to go.

I grunted, "I still don't want to go."

"Kiera." Glinda said, throwing me the 'apologise-now' look.

How do I know all her looks?

"What I meant," I amended immediately, because I was already on her Hit-list for the cake thing I don't need to add a 'can't be polite' thing to it, "is that, I don't need to spend time with Will like this."

Nor should I be forced to do so. I silently added to myself.

Glinda glared at me like she'd heard what I thought. That would make so much sense. That woman always knew where I was and what I was up to. It's like she had a Kiera-dar.

I inconspicuously raised an eyebrow at her, because technically she had no proof that I was thinking rude. Unless she were to reveal that she can read minds like a Mind Reading Ninja. So cool.

"Yes, but I think this could be a base for our relationship to grow." Will said, his eyes glowing with joy.

What relationship? Grow where?

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