Murmurs In The Dark

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"The art of disguise is to hide in plain sight."

~ Sherlock

Yes, I have a Sherlock obsession. When I'm not typing out BTAV, I'm spending my time with my eyes glued to my flatscreen watching Sherlock. It's so good. I totes recommend it. Okay, I'm going to shuts up, now. :D But seriously, if you haven't watched it. Go. Watch.


When Kiel looked away towards Derek for a minute, I gulped the water down. Kiel's eyes snapped back to mine, but I had my innocent expression on and ready.

His eyes narrowed for a minute before he lifted a finger to rub against his forehead beneath his thick locks of hair. That's when I noticed that Kiel looked...tired.

He looked like he'd somehow aged a decade tonight. I tilted my head while Kiel blinked slowly at me, almost lazily...sleepily.

"Why are you two babysitting me?" I asked.

Derek plopped his back on the bed with his hands folded behind his head. He yawned.

"We were taking turns. You've been asleep for like four hours. And it's one something am. We can function on lesser sleep but we didn't really catch much sleep before the trip..." Derek explained around another yawn.

My eyebrows lowered as I looked at Derek to continue. When he closed his eyes and looked like he'd passed out, I poked him.

He grumbled before continuing.

"Yeah. Well. All of us were with you for sometime before taking a nap. All except Kiel. He's been up the entire time. Gina left ten minutes ago, saying something about bubbles.. and dragons..maybe she was already asleep..."

Then Derek stopped talking. I poked him again. No response. I shook his shoulder. Tugged on a few strands of his hair.

The demon was out like a light.

Maybe if I had a lightning rod...

I sighed and then looked down at my hands, horror striking at me like a whip.

"What's wrong?" Kiel asked, settling on the bed and sprawling out with his head resting on Derek's knees and his legs stretched out in front of me. If I reached out...I could touch him.

"My cake..." I whispered, utterly devastated. I ask for the apocalypse and this is what I get?

How could I have dropped it? I've been in worse situations and haven't dropped food. The universe must hate me. Forget hate. This was worse. It was kicking me in the face after I'd fallen to the ground. Then it stole my cake.

Kiel chuckled, blinking slowly again at me when I looked up.

"Is.." My voice came out a little hoarse so I cleared it, "Is everyone asleep?"

He didn't ask me why I asked the question, he just tilted his head to his right, towards the closed door, shut his eyes and listened.

He opened them again, meeting my gaze with violet softness and nodded.

"Everyone's asleep," he said.

I licked my lips, sighing, then rubbed my eyes because they had started to prick slightly.

As usual, Kiel waited. He didn't show any sign of being impatient. It really helped. I caught impatience as though it were a contagious disease.

When I didn't say anything for a long time (yes, long even for me), he sat up, bending his head to try to meet my gaze.

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