Chapter 5-2 (Side- Fantasy)

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A day has passed since I met the demigoddess and Riku Reality. After she finished her explanation, I chewed Reality out immediately. Even if his explanation was sound, he at least should have told me so I could've given him a proper strategy about avoiding people, as well as who to look out for. At this point, he's like a spoiled little brother with no family to physically watch over him. Even though we're the same age, he hasn't experienced what I have, so he's much more naive, even if he is a quick thinker. His idea to tell other people we're unrelated twins isn't a bad idea, but it's an unlikely story unless people see us side by side. Luckily, in The Cross, we were both able to take a picture of us standing beside one another. Thankfully the deity can control the realm to a certain degree; she changed the area around us so our pictures would be that much more believable.

Even though we have a sound story for whenever people discover we're not the same person, I'm still nervous. After all, if those three idiots would beat him senseless just for looking like me, there are definitely a few people out in that world that wouldn't hesitate to straight up kill him. The fact that he also met some woman who had him healed at a healer's hut also has me worried. The news notification described everything that happened to Riku Reality with such detail you'd think he wrote it himself. I never believed in gods or anything of the sort, but if that woman, "Riki", as Reality has decided to call her, can get so much information on us at the same time, then I'm inclined to believe. I was against the name at first since it just sounded like a female version of our name, but the flattered look Riki had on her face rendered me speechless. Why must women be so beautiful?

After she told us about the existence of gods, she gave us information she thought we would like to know. For instance, the places we entered The Cross in are always open to us until the Cross Worlds phenomenon has finished. Those two locations are the points where Cross Worlds began six months ago, which is why they're also the point where The Cross begins. When Riku Reality and I stand in those two locations, our souls react to one another and create an opening, allowing us to enter The Cross.

Now that we've entered once, we can enter again whenever we want, with or without each other. It'd be a nice spot to secretly train, but I'd rather not have to explain my disappearance to Emica and whoever else decides to bother me every single time I would go to The Cross, so I'll just stick to training magic in my room and training myself physically in whatever way they decide to teach me. It's probably not going to be nearly as efficient as the training regiment I took on my world, but it'll get me somewhere at the very least.

The next thing Riki told us was to be careful with how much magic power we used. If we use too much magic, it might make our altered presence known to other outer-worldly deities. According to her, it isn't hard for someone with power on her scale to read our souls and see that we don't belong. I decided last night, whilst I was trying to sleep and going over all the information I had learned, to test to see if I could really use my magic. I figured I'd try something harmless in case something went wrong, so I tried to conjure up some wind. I simply held up my hand, called on the magic within me, and it happened. A small swirl of wind swirled above the palm of my hand, just barely visible thanks to the magic I used. It did take more focus, and I was already exhausted, so using magic only made me more so, but it worked just as I wanted it to.

"If I continue to train my body and my magic, my life is going to get a lot easier in this world." That's what I told myself before laying in bed last night. Although, I've yet to even explore this facility known as Artemis, nor have I deemed that woman, Emica, to be trustworthy or not yet. I'm surprised I wasn't being spied on the whole time. I looked everywhere in my room, but I didn't find a single camera. There are cameras in the halls, of course, but thankfully my room doesn't have any, and neither does the alleyway beside the building.

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