Chapter 15: "The Slums of Graycott and the Gilbinga Family" (Side- Reality)

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"I'm in no condition to be getting involved in this sort of situation, so why are my feet carrying me to it..?" I mumble to myself whilst walking toward the sound of the loud voices. I hide behind a corner and watch the scene as it unfolds.

"Please sir, anything you're willing to lend will help us... We just need money to buy food, that's all I'm asking..!" A middle-aged man with black hair is down on his knees, begging some guy who looks to be a hero with his fancy get up.

"And as I said, I have no interest in helping people like you. You got yourselves into the mess you're in now, and it's your job to get yourselves out. Now scram! Before I make you!" The noble looking man says. He's your stereotypical pretty boy; long blond hair tied into a ponytail, bright blue eyes, perfect white skin, and an athletic build. His outfit is white, blue, and gold themed, and it even has a small cape, hence why I say he looks like a noble or hero of some sort.

Two children, a young boy and girl, run over to the man and tug on his shirt. "D-Daddy, l-let's go... H-He's being really scary... I don't want him to hurt you..." The boy says as he continues tugging and the girl just nods, burying her face in his arm.

"Please, just one credit even... That's all I ask... I know I got myself into this situation, but I can't get out of it without a little bit of help..." The father presses his forehead against the ground. "Please, if not for me than for my kids..! They don't deserve this..!"

"I said no! Now get the hell out of my way before I love you myself!" The noble hero's eyes glow and my "I'm about to do something stupid" meter goes crazy.

Just as the hero reaches for the hilt of the sword attached at his hip, I jump out from my hiding place and stand in front of the three. "There's plenty of space here for you to walk around them. Are you that entitled that you have to have a free street wherever you walk, or did you want them to keep bugging you so you can stroke your ego by picking on people weaker than you?" Where did this insane amount of bravery come from? I have no idea. I'm tired and I have no gear to fight with, so what the hell am I doing?!

"And just who the hell do you think you are?" The noble narrows his eyes in annoyance.

"I'm a hero, you know, the kind that stops bullies like you from picking on the weak. I suggest you walk away unless you wanna make a scene. I'm only gonna tell you once. If you touch this man or his kids, I'm gonna knock you into the ground so hard that you'll forget what you were even shouting about." I give him my best intimidating glare.

He glares right back at me, but scoffs. "Fine, have it your way. I have better things to do than mess around with poor folk and an idiot hero." He walks past us, making sure to purposely bump into me on the way and I don't stop glaring at him until he's out of sight.

I turn around to the middle-aged man and hold out my hand. "Are you alright? Come on, stand up. You've got no business groveling to someone like that alright?" The middle-aged man looks up at me and nods, his deep brown eyes shining in the sunlight. I help him stand up as he takes my hand, and upon closer inspection, I can see he's wounded. "Hey, are you alright..?"

"Some of them noble folk don't take too kindly to being asked for help... Matter of fact, some won't even stop to listen. If you try to persevere..."

I find myself subconsciously clenching my fist. "Come on, I'll help you home." I lend the man a shoulder.

"What, you don't have to- I-I don't have anything to pay you with..." The man mutters as I sling his arm around my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I don't need payment. This is something I'm doing for personal reasons." I grin up at him and then look at his kids. "Can you two lead me to your house? Slowly though, we don't wanna leave your pops behind."

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