Chapter 40-2

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Riku uses the magic he's gathered to teleport to another floor of the building the second Chiyako fires at him. He finds himself hiding behind the stairs, trying to come up with a strategy on how to defeat her. "The craziest part is, if this barrier is affecting my magic, then it's probably affecting her's too... Which also means she's probably fighting without using any magic power."

Riku creates a ball of energy in his hand, focusing so it doesn't go out of control and using his free hand to keep the orb's shape. "Which means all I need to do is make her use up all her energy... She might have a lot, but there's no way it's infinite."

Just then, Chiyako slices through the floor underneath Riku's feet, making him fall. "You didn't honestly think I wouldn't be able to see you did you?" Chiyako's eyes glow.

"No, if you're as good of an assassin robot as I think you are, there's no way you wouldn't have heat sensing vision!" Riku grins as he throws the magic orb at Chiyako.

"Haven't you learned that isn't going to work on me?" Chiyako holds out her hand, about to fire another beam of energy. However, without warning, Riku's magic sphere explodes all on its own before it reaches her. "What..?" Chiyako's eyes widen as she realizes what Riku's doing too little too late.

Riku dives through the smoke and interlaces his fingers with Chiyako's outstretched hand. "Hope this isn't too intimate for you." Riku lets his magic run wild, firing it into Chiyako's opened palm. Riku's magic energy flows through every inch inside of Chiyako's mechanical body, causing the energy core inside of her some damage as well as the rest of her body.

Chiyako doesn't make a peep, but her body spasms and lets off a few sparks, letting Riku know his plan worked beautifully. Unfortunately for him, Chiyako isn't down for the count. "Good, but it's going to take more than that, lookalike." With her superhuman strength, Chiyako tightens her grip on Riku's hand and spins him around.

"Not again..!" Riku increases his magical output, causing a powerful shockwave that throws him and Chiyako apart before she can throw him into the barrier again. This time, Chiyako herself is the one thrown into the barrier, sending electrical shocks through her body.

This time, Chiyako does make an odd sound, not one of pain, but of shock as her body spasms much more violently than before. She's barely able to thrust her blade into the barrier to push herself away from the shocks before her body shuts down on her. "Goodness... You really are quite...rough..." Chiyako's voice has a glitchiness to it, though she does manage to get her body to calm down.

"All of that and she's still standing... That's a Teikoki member for you." Riku mumbles to himself, trying to think of what his next move should be.

"Allow me to...really show you a good time now, lookalike." Chiyako runs her electrified hand over the blade of her katana, igniting it in a powerful, electrical, red energy. Riku feels his heart drop into his stomach and he jumps for the hole he fell through just as Chiyako swings at him.

Chiyako swings her blade twice, in the shape of an X, firing off a combined energy slash so powerful it completely obliterates the wall behind where Riku was just standing. "You won't get away that easily." Chiyako giggles, using her heat vision to track Riku. She swings her katana upward, completely destroying the floor under him before he can get away.

"Shit!" Riku crosses his arms over his chest as the energy from Chiyako's attack shoots through the floor and hits him dead on, sending him flying all the way up to the top floor of the building. Riku slams into the ceiling and coughs up a bit of blood. "Is it just me...or is she even stronger than she was before..?!" Riku's eyes widen as he sees Chiyako about to fire another beam of energy at him from the floor she stands on.

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