Chapter 36: "Kei's Will"

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It doesn't take long for Riku Reality to receive news of Riku Fantasy's recent bout against Hayato. Reality is proud of his alternate's accomplishments, to say the least, but he has no time to actually congratulate him.

Preparations for an attack on Zoudor's castle are finally getting underway, and Riku's had his hands full training with Gina and Haruto to make sure they're ready for the life or death battle they're about to go through at his side. Not to mention, as the official holder of the tenth Teikoki seat, many resistance members have challenged him for the seat. Both because they don't trust him, and because they thought if their newest member was able to get a seat, maybe they also had a chance. Last but not least, there were also still the half dozen seat holders that also didn't trust Riku.

"I highly doubt fighting them all for their positions is going to get them to trust I guess I'll just have to prove myself when we storm the castle." Riku mutters to himself as he makes his way to one of the training rooms. For today was yet another day to spar with the newly made adults Gina and Haruto.

"Ah, Riku! You ready to lose today?" Haruto grins, punching his fist into the palm of his hand as cold air swirls around his body.

"Haven't you said that literally every time we've trained with Riku? You know, only for us to lose each time... You keep jinxing us, Haruto." Gina says sternly, narrowing her eyes in his direction.

"Confidence like that is what you're gonna need on the battlefield. Don't get too cocky, but don't show your enemy your weak side." Riku chuckles as he readies his own magic power.

"I know..." Gina blushes faintly with embarrassment, sparkling crystals starting to form in the air around her.

"You've gotten a lot better at that sis. Remember back in the day when you used to be just a stuttering mess?" Haruto snickers.

"S-Shut up! T-That was basically yesterday for everyone besides us..." Gina pouts, face only flushing more at the memory of how she used to act as a child.

"Alright, that's enough banter you two." Riku laughs and takes his usual battle stance. "Come at me."

"You don't have to tell me twice!" Haruto grins, taking a step forward and an array of ice spikes rise up out of the ground, only getting bigger as they make their way toward Riku. Riku gathers magic power into his fist and punches the ground, destroying the ice with his ability. Gina quickly follows up by rushing Riku, creating a crystal platform to run up on and shoot down at Riku with a few large crystals from above.

Riku's fast however, encasing his blades in his magic energy and quickly and efficiently destroying the crystals before they can touch him. Haruto is just as quick to follow up though, encasing his fists in his own magic power and throwing a punch into Riku's gut. Riku is able to catch Haruto's fist, but his eyes go wide, feeling how cold his fist is. "I learned a new trick," is all Haruto says before pressing harder against Riku and releasing a burst of his magic power from his fist. A burst of cold air knocks Riku away from Haruto, and as he catches himself, he sees both of his arms are frozen solid. "Yes!" Haruto cheers.

"Don't get excited. What have I told you about that?" Riku's magic encases his arms, and with a simple burst, the ice encasing his arms is destroyed. "Landing one good hit is not a victory."

"How about landing two?" Riku's eyes widen once more as he hears Gina right behind him. He had lost sight of her since he was so focused on Haruto. He releases a burst of magical energy, knocking Gina away from him just before she would strike him head on with her crystal.

"You two are definitely getting better, I'll give you that much." Riku smiles proudly back in Gina's direction. Gina smiles back, but only for a moment. When Gina lands on the ground, she slams her palms on the ground and a large crystal pillar shoots out of the ground right under Riku.

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