Chapter 23-2

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"R-Riku..? What the hell are you..." Riku just gives Emica a look, and that look is enough to tell her that he knew that Hiroshi was coming, and that he's been watching this entire time.

"W-Wow..." Hiroshi chuckles at first, and then starts bursting with laughter. "I had heard you were a weak little thing, but you've really toughened up since you've joined Artemis huh? Not only did you catch me off guard, but that kick really fuckin' hurt!" He continues to laugh as he stands up, rubbing his chin and wiping some of the blood that's spilled from his lip.

Riku's magic flares to life as he faces the man once more. "Ah ah ah, let's turn that off shall we?" The man snaps his fingers, and suddenly Riku's magic just fades away, and the space around them visibly turns a faint, gray color.

Riku's eyes widen as he feels as if his magic is quite literally being forced down; like a pressure is keeping it from coming out. "This feeling... It's exactly like..." Riku glares at the man. "I don't need magic to kick your ass you bastard."

"I'd watch my tone if I were you, because I'm pretty sure we both know that that isn't true little man." Hiroshi chuckles, and Riku then feels that pressure against his entire body, keeping him from moving.

"Hiroshi, don't you dare hurt him!" Emica hisses.

"Calm down, I'm not the type to hurt kids unless they make me." He smirks in Riku's direction, letting that be a warning to him. "Since the Riku boy is here in front of us, why don't I just give the same exact offer to him. You were listening in, right? Let me tell you, the opportunities you'll have at Apollo, with that kind of power? You'll become something much greater than you would if you stayed here at Artemis."

"Go fuck yourself..!" Riku growls in defiance, trying to move his body despite the pressure pushing against his body, and slowly, he manages to move one of his arms. "You think you can come in here, lay your hands on our president; on Emica, and then just continue to make offers like you're some big shot that can do whatever he wants without consequence..?!" Riku glares at the man like a wild beast. "You and your offer can go to hell for all I care. And if you don't get out of here right now, I'm more than happy to get the police involved..."

With brute strength alone, Riku manages to grab the phone in his pocket and show it to Hiroshi, revealing the recorded footage of the conversation he and Emica had on his phone, the recording stopping at the point Hiroshi put his hands on Emica. "You know I could just destroy that phone, right?" Hiroshi smirks.

"And you're aware that I have backups, right?" Riku smirks right back, though refuses to show what his back-ups are.

"I think you're bluffing. Back-ups? In the small amount of time that recording ended and your attack began?" Hiroshi laughs. "It's a good bluff kid, but you're not foolin me."

"You really think you would've had the opportunity to hold onto Emica so long and get your little speech out if I didn't have a back-up..? Try me fuckface." Riku spits in defiance.

The two simply glare at one another before Hiroshi sighs, lowering his anti-magic field. Riku nearly falls over due to how numb the pressure both inside and outside of his body has made him feel, but he stands strong. "Very well, Riku Fumiya. You win this round, but I promise, this will not be the last time you see me." Hiroshi smirks. "I'll see myself out." He jumps through a window, and in the next instant, he's soaring through the sky.

"Good riddance you son of a bitch..." Riku scoffs, glancing back at Emica, but not looking directly at her. "Are you alright? He didn't actually hurt you, did he?"

In an instant, Emica shoots up and punches the back of Riku's head. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You know if that man was crazy enough, he could've killed you on the spot! Or worse, he could've beat you to a pulp and dragged you to Apollo! Just what in the hell was going through your mind?!"

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