Chapter 6-2 (Side- Fantasy)

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Remi holds her ground and returns this person's embrace. "Hi Jira." Remi giggles as she pats the girl's back.

This Jira person pulls away from Remi and peers into my very soul with her bright green eyes. "Is this the guy?"

"What other guy would be allowed on this floor Jira?" Remi asks with a sarcastic sigh.

"Good point, good point." Jira laughs a bit loudly and backs up to the point I can see her fully. "I'm Jira! Nice to meet you, first timer." She gives me a bright, white grin. Now that I can see her fully, I can see that her red hair stops at her back. She's currently wearing the natural gear a woman wears during exercise; a black, sleeveless, skin-tight shirt, shorts that stop just past her upper thighs, and fingerless gloves, so her athletic build can clearly be seen. "Care to introduce yourself, or are you just gonna stare?" Jira smirks at me playfully as she takes her hair out of the ponytail it's currently in.

"S-Sorry... N-Nervous..." I take a deep breath and calm myself a bit. "Riku Fumiya... That's my name. It's nice to meet you too."

Jira walks over and pats my shoulder roughly. "Calm down dude!" She laughs. "I know you're nervous, but there's no need to be formal around me. After all, we're gonna be in the same class."

"We are..?" I tilt my head.

"Good morning, Riku." The bodyguard from yesterday is right beside me and I never even noticed.

I let out a shout and back up into the wall. "You scared the crap out of me!" I can hear Jira bursting with laughter, Remi holding back her own giggles, and the bodyguard is just giving me a blank stare.

Yesterday, the guard was in a suit and wearing sunglasses, so I couldn't really make out what she looked like. Seeing her up close now and in the same exercise outfit as Jira, I can now see her highly toned and slightly muscular body and beautifully tanned skin, her brown hair slightly longer than Jira's also tied up into a ponytail, and her eyes are a beautiful light blue color. Though, without any light in them, they look quite deadly. "Apologies. I look forward to having you in my class tomorrow." The sideways glance she gives me as she walks off leaves me inclined to believe otherwise.

"Anyways..." Remi finishes her giggling and walks over to me. "Jira's gonna take over for me since I've got some things to take care of. You gonna be okay, Riku?"

"I think I'll be okay..." I let out a heavy sigh. "Wait, but for what?"

"Oh you'll see." Jira snickers and pats my back. "I gotta go get changed, so wait for me here. Unless of course you wanna come with~"

"I think I'll just wait here instead thanks..." I avert my gaze, blushing faintly. Jira simply laughs before going back into the classroom she came out of.

Remi giggles once more as she watches her friend walk away. "That's how Jira is, so you're gonna have to get used to that. Anywho, I hope you have a good day Riku. Bye now." Remi gives me another smile and a wave before walking off.

"I'm really not looking forward to whatever I'm about to be put through..." I look down at the floor to avoid the states I'm still getting.

"Bah, there's nothing to be worried about Riku!" I jump as Jira pats my back, now in a proper school uniform like Remi was.

"Well that was quick..." I mumble.

"Come with me!" Jira grabs my hand and leads me on.

"I can walk myself you know..."

"What? Never held a girl's hand before?" She snickers, not letting go of my hand still.

"Wha-What does that have to do with anything?!" I growl.

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