Chapter 16-2 (Side- Fantasy)

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Warning: There's some sexual content in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised...

I wake up like any other day; with Jira and Remi banging on my door, telling me to wake up as my alarm is literally just going off. I silence my alarm and storm over to the door, opening it and glaring at them. "How many times do I have to tell you to not bang on my door this early in the morning..?"

"Hey, there's always a chance your alarm might not wake you up." Jira sticks her tongue out and jumps up to give me a hug. "Besides, what guy wouldn't wanna wake up being smothered by two beautiful women?!"

"Me." I grumble, tilting my body away from her so her tackle hug just barely misses.

"Aw come on, you know you love us Riku." Remi hugs me as I bump right into her, trapping me so Jira can hug me too, and their combined weight is enough to make me fall over.

I sigh, narrowing my eyes in annoyance as they smother me. "It's too early for this..."

After I pry the two girls off of me and make them wait outside, I get ready for the day. "Do they have to bug me even on the weekends?" As I ask myself this, I remember how worried they were when I fought Yujita for the first time. It makes me smile, but I sigh once again and shake my head. "I shouldn't go getting attached to people here, Reality and I will probably end up switching bodies when all is said and done. However, they're harmless girls, so it's no problem having fun with them every now and then."

I do some light stretches before going out to see the two. Whilst Yujita has proven that there is indeed still magic in this world, I trust that those without it will be practically harmless even if they do have ulterior motives. Hence, I don't mind letting my guard down around these girls. "So, what's the plan for today? Where do you two plan on dragging me this time?"

"Well, today is a very special day you see." Remi says with a bright smile on her face, and Jira giggles.

"What's so special about today?" I cock an eyebrow.

"It's a rare day where each and every one of us is completely free!" Jira cheers. "Which means we can all hang out and do whatever we want for the entire day." Jira smiles, showing off her perfect white teeth.

"So does that mean you have something big planned?" I chuckle nervously.

"You could say that." Remi smiles innocently, and we all stop right outside her room. "Quick question Riku, when was the last time you had a proper rest day?"

"Ummm...last weekend I believe. Why?" I narrow my eyes suspiciously.

"Good, we don't have to feel bad about making sure you're not doing an ounce of work today!" Jira promptly shoves me inside Remi's room.

"Ack!" I manage to roll and catch myself, looking back at them. "Why?!"

"You're not leaving this room today. You're gonna rest and relax with us allllll day long. Capiche?" Jira smiles, squatting down so we're at eye level.

"...If you just wanted to hangout in Remi's room all day, you know you could've asked and I would've been fine with it?" I stare at her like she's an idiot.

"Well, the thing is, we can't have you escaping on us. Because tonight, you're sleeping here with us." Remi says bluntly with a smile on her face as the door closes behind her.

"W-What..?! But that's against Artemis' rules is it not? Emica strictly told me that I am not allowed to spend the night in any girls' rooms and vice versa." I quickly begin to grow flustered.

"Yes, hence why we made sure no one could see us sneak you in here silly. As long as none of us leave for a while, people will think we just left somewhere and came back super late!" Jira explains proudly.

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