Chapter 11-2 (Side- Fantasy)

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I turn to look behind me, but no one's there. I even turn around and walk forward to check for invisibility, but I don't bump into anything nor does that feeling go away from the spot I walk over. I walk over to the mirror and look at my reflection up and down: my excuse for walking over in this direction. "My body's definitely starting to look better... Thank goodness, Yoshitabi's practice is really working out for me."

I check myself in the mirror for a little while as my thoughts run rampant. "I need to stay calm and focus. As for what I should do...that's a tricky one. I could call them out of their hiding place, but that would cause a commotion... The only other options are to sit around and wait to see what this person does, or try and lure them somewhere we can be alone and then call them out. What I need to do out of all of those choices is obvious." I take a deep breath. "Alright, I guess it's about that time to go on my nightly walk... Let's hope I don't disturb anyone."

As I'm walking to my door, the walls, floor, ceiling, and my bedroom door all become covered in black. My magic sense goes wild on that one spot behind me and I quickly turn to face it. "It seems you don't want me to leave..." It's obvious the thing coming out of the ground is a human male, but all of his features, including his clothing, are covered in the same shadow-like magic around my room. The only part of his body that isn't black are the two, glowing, yellow dots on his face where his eyes should be.

It's clear this person's intentions aren't anything good. After all, his fingers quickly mold into claws and he swipes them at me. I duck and roll out of the way and he misses me by a hair. I make sure to roll into the most open and spacious part of my room so this fight won't ruin any of my furniture.

The second I stop rolling, I hold out both of my hands and shoot tiny bursts of flame from them to propel myself back into my attacker, making them think I merely jumped of course. I'm going to do my best to hide the fact that I can use magic from as many people as I can for as long as I can, especially against my enemies. After my back is against my attacker, I keep my back to them and slide over to the point where we're back-to-back smoothly, kicking them in their back without looking.

The shadow man stumbles forward a bit, but as I'm dashing forward to take him down, he turns and a black vine shoots out of the ground from behind him. I do a backflip to avoid being whipped by the large vine, and in return, several more form all around the room. "How can this person be THIS good with their magic?!" Thankfully I have experience in many different kinds of battlefields, so avoiding the many vines is not much of a problem on my part.

I reach the shadowy figure with ease and quickly reach for him, but he's expecting me this time. He catches me by my wrist and I can almost feel the smirk on his face despite the fact that his mouth is also hidden by shadow as well. The vines slowly deep back into the ground, but when I look down at my arm, I see it's slowly being covered in black too. I've no choice but to reveal my magic now.

I open my fist and fire a wave of light into the man, sending him flying back into the wall. Oddly enough, there's no crash when he hits the wall, and I now realize what the main reason for the shadows covering up my entire room is. "Listen here pal, I don't know who you are or what you want, but I could very easily walk out that door and cause a commotion. Neither of us want that, now do we?"

The shadowy figure says nothing and simply raises its hand. The instant it does, my left arm goes limp, and then rises up all on its own. "I see your game here, but now that I know what element you're using..." Without a hint of hesitation, I encase my entire left arm in light, burning away the shadow that's wrapped around it. Only a few seconds later and I have control of my arm again.

My attacker jolts up in shock before glaring at me, but I continue to speak my mind nonetheless. "As I stated before, neither of us want a commotion here buddy. So you've got two options: either you listen to what I have to say, or I break through that door next and I get several other girls in here. What's it gonna be?" The shadowy man just stands there for a moment silently before holding up his hand. Not even a second later does all the shadow-like substance in my room get absorbed into that hand.

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