Chapter 10-1: "Those who Train to Achieve Talent" (Side- Reality)

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When I wake up the next day, I'm a bit sad that I won't be able to greet Artemis this morning and walk to the training site with her. "I'll see her in a matter of two hours, there's no need to be getting depressed..." I mutter to myself, slapping my cheeks a little bit before getting ready for the day.

I had to leave all the training gear at Artemis' armory after I left yesterday. I wonder if after I complete my training, she'll give me my own set of wrist blades. Just thinking about it gets me excited to complete Artemis' training. I haven't seen her at all since I left training yesterday. It makes me wonder what kind of things she does when she isn't teaching her students.

"I really wanna learn more about her..." I know it's not the greatest idea to crush on a girl just because she's pretty and because she's nice to you, but there's nothing wrong with me wanting to get to know her more. She's just really beautiful and kind and I appreciate all the things she's done for me. I'm not crushing on Artemis.

I would like to go back to Fantasy's tree gym fortress, but it's just too far for Roco to fly. By the time we'd get there, we'd have to immediately fly all the way back for me to be able to make it to training on time. So, I save the heavy duty workouts for after my training with Artemis, and do all the basic exercise I can in my rented hotel room. After I've eaten breakfast, I say goodbye to Roco and reassure him I'll be back so he can spread his wings. Once I've received a satisfactory squawk from Roco, I head to the armory to gear up and then step onto the plateau from yesterday.

Artemis isn't here yet, which doesn't surprise me because I've arrived early, and yet the rest of the teachers and students haven't hesitated to start training. For a moment, I just watch them all training diligently with their weapons. All the trainees are sparring one on one and their mentors watch them. The determination that burns in the eyes of the students is really inspiring to watch. "I'm gonna give it my all today too..." I mutter with a smile on my face.

"Well, I would hope so." I hear Artemis giggle from behind me.

I jump to attention as fast as I can. "A-Artemis! W-Welcome..." I giggle nervously.

"Try not to fall off the edge." Artemis chuckles. "If you're going to be early everyday, I just might have to start waking up earlier. I wouldn't want to look bad for my student."

"Ah! No, you don't have to do that! I just wake up super early is all! Don't worry, you could never look bad in my eyes!" I give her a reassuring smile.

"I-Is that so..?" Artemis twirls a strand of her hair around her finger and I think her cheeks are turning somewhat pink.

I now realize what I just said and turn a million shades redder than she is. "I-I um...didn't mean that in a...weird way or anything..!" I look to the ground as my face steams.

"Hm? And what exactly would be a weird way?"

I blush even harder than I already am. "C-Can we just start please..?"

Artemis' half suppressed laugh makes me look up at her. "But of course, I'm only teasing you Riku. Sorry if I made you feel flustered." She smiles at me and my heart melts. I think I'm gonna lose my mind if I spend too much time with this beautiful woman.

I take a few deep breaths and regain my composure. "Alright, what do you want me to do?"

"First things first, try replicating that feeling you had yesterday. You need to be able to maintain your sense of self while doing that. If you can't do that, then you won't be able to fight properly." Artemis states to me and steps back to where she was yesterday.

"Understood." I rest my arms at my sides and take a deep breath, flicking my wrists and popping the training blades out of their sockets. I close my eyes and listen to the nature around me once more. Once I open my eyes, I start swinging around aimlessly, letting the wind guide me just like before. However, this time, I don't let it take control. I follow the wind, but instead of simply swinging in the direction the wind blows, I use the wind to make my swings more powerful, no matter which direction I decide to swing in. Doing this, I manage to keep my sense of time and direction.

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