Side Chapter 4-3 (Side- Reality)

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"Where do we even go for this sort of thing?" Bee asks as we're walking throughout town.

"Well, we'll need a ton of building supplies, seeds and such for gardening, and more. Maybe we should even split up to cover more ground..." I start thinking to myself. "I wonder if they have anything like Lowes or Home Depot here..." I shake my head. "Well Bee, you know the city best. It's better for you to lead all of us to any shop you can think of for this kind of thing."

Bee ponders for a moment and nods. "Alright, I got an idea! Follow me!" Bee begins race-walking and the rest of us follow behind her.

"Don't forget, everyone in the slums also has some kind of magic that can help for building and whatnot, so don't be afraid to ask the townsfolk for help." Makou mentions.

"I was already planning on it. Everyone will feel so much better if they improve the slums themselves rather than just having someone else do it for them." I grin and an idea pops into my mind suddenly. "Hey Reina, couldn't you use your nature magic to create a big garden for the village??"

Reina shakes her head. "While I will be able to help with my magic somewhat, I create plants made out of magic and use that same magic to help heal people via speeding up their regeneration. After that magic has completed its use, it simply goes back to the Earth."

"Yeah, it's the same with my swords." Makou creates a basic sword in his hand. "Though I can create them indefinitely, after I'm done using em, or if I run out of magic, they'll vanish. Creating something out of nothing is something only people with really powerful magic can do. All of us in the slums are in the slums for a reason, ya know?"

Just as Makou said, his iron blade fades away as he stops using his magic to keep it together. Watching it change into magic particles makes me think about what Riki told Fantasy and I before. "So, to create something out of nothing, your magic has to be really strong. I suppose bringing something to life would require even more powerful magic, and doing something like 'creating life' per say is something only someone like a god could do... Interesting..." Throughout my time here, I've told Bee and the Gilbingas that I never went to school, so seeing me talking to myself about how the world and its magic isn't a big surprise for them.

"Yep. If only our magic was a little bit better, perhaps we could get some decent jobs." Makou sighs, rubbing the back of his head.

"Then why don't you just train your magic? Make it stronger?" I ask.

"Even if we were to train our magic abilities, the most we could do is increase their power, duration, and what we might be able to do with them. We can't change the form of the magic we were born with however." Reina explains with a sad look on her face.

"Yep. It's literally a 'you get what you get and you can't do anything about it' situation." Bee says with a light sigh.

I frown. "I see..." Makou and Reina have already told us that they have no intention of becoming heroes either. Not only do they not wanna get involved with such a group, they also aren't the type who are cut out for fighting. The odd thing is, I'm positive that someone in this city would have some kind of use for their magic that doesn't involve fighting. So question is, why haven't they been able to get jobs?

"Chin up kiddo, thanks to you helping all of us out in the slums, we definitely have gotten a ton of motivation to move forward." Makou pats my back. "Heck, half of us have even gotten actual jobs thanks to you."

"What? I didn't do all that much. All I did was bring you guys food every now and then." I wave him off.

"And that inspired so many people. It got us thinking, 'One day, that boy won't be here anymore'. You should see how hard Makou's been working to get a job rather than just begging nobles." Reina giggles.

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