Chapter 19-3 (Side- Reality)

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Riku Reality stares at Artemis, still processing what she has just said. He trusts her full-heartedly, as all the proof is right in front of him. However, everything he believed to know about Artemis is shattering right in front of him. "Was her personality a lie too then..? Did she approach me with ulterior motives..? Who...are you really Artemis?"

All whilst thinking this, his eyes were locked onto Artemis' smiling face. "I have plenty of questions, yes? I'd be happy to answer them, but your treatment comes first."

"Treatment..? Oh, right, I almost...forgot..." The toll of Riku's awakening and the battle he had just fought catches up to him at this moment, forcing him to take a knee.

"Riku!" The children cry and rush to his side.

"Healing unit!" Konba yells toward the crowd of robbed figures, and not even a second later, about five people dash through the crowd and kneel by Riku's side.

One of the healers in particular stood out to Riku; a young girl with a staff that was twice her size, wrapped up in a lime green cloak. The reason she stood out to Riku is because her hair and eyes were almost the exact same color as his; her hair was a little bit darker, and her eyes were a little bit lighter. "You look...pretty young..." Riku says with a light giggle.

"Don't I? My healing magic is just that good." The girl says with a playful grin, gently pressing the gem of her golden staff against his forehead and looking into his eyes. Her own eyes begin to glow, and several colorful lines of light begin coming out of the staff. The various lights treat Riku's wounds individually. The magic is delicate and warm, the pain quickly subsiding from Riku's body as his wounds close, blood regenerates, and he even starts feeling less tired.

"Wow...your healing magic is good." Riku says with slight awe as he watches and feels his injuries fade away.

"I told you so!" The girl presses her fists against her hips and struts out her chest proudly.

"Doesn't magic like that make you tired though?" He cocks an eyebrow in confusion at her continued energetic state.

The girl simply smiles at him, nodding to the other four around him. "With such a great team behind me, I could heal a thousand men before I really started feeling exhausted." Riku looks back at the other four, each in similarly colored robes with smiles on their faces. He hadn't realized before, but it looked like they were supplying the girl with their own magic.

"And that's just one of our healers." Konba spoke up suddenly, turning many gazes his way.

Artemis, at his side, speaks up as well as she steps forward. "The resistance is no small force. I can assure you, we're not in over our heads with the goals we wish to accomplish. We all work together to make our goal a reality, no matter how long it may take us."

Riku looks back at the girl who's healed him, and she gives him a smile. Gina and Haruto both poke their heads out from behind Riku, gazing at the girl curiously. It only takes one look from the healer for her to know that they are also injured. "God...even kids..." She kneels down, setting her staff aside and holding out her hand. "Don't worry, we won't hurt you, promise," giving them her warmest smile as she speaks.

The children both grasp Riku's clothing a bit tighter, looking up at him for his input. Riku gives the children a smile and a nod, rubbing their heads gently. "I think we can trust them, for now..." With his confirmation, the children slowly walk towards the healer to let her heal them. The other four go to assist with their magic like before, but she holds up her hand.

"It's alright, I got this." She grins and sets her staff down, placing her hands upon their heads. She takes a deep breath, and then those several colorful lights from before surround both the children in a rainbow like fashion, rotating around them slowly. The children gaze at the lights happily and with wonder, reaching out to touch them. As they each touch separate colored lights, said light surrounds them and envelopes them in a magical aura, healing their wounds and filling them with a feeling of warmth and happiness almost instantly. It's not as quick as Riku's healing process, but it's most certainly just as efficient.

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