Chapter 32-3

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Bright gold eyes, long, silvery blue hair, all of her features are the same. The only thing different was her skin, instead of deathly pale, it was nicely tanned. Though he can't compare her body type, hair length, etc, he knows that the fifth Teikoki is the same Eli that Riku Fantasy met in the library not too long ago. "How could I forget a face I just saw in an article just yesterday..?!" The young woman mirroring Eli's image glances over in Riku's direction, nearly meeting his eyes. However, Riku quickly averts his gaze. "If I look into her eyes, will she see a random memory just like with Riku Fantasy..? I can't let that happen, she might learn the truth about me!"

Without warning, Riku felt a gentle set of fingers wrap around his chin and tilt his head up. His blood ran cold when he saw he was looking directly into the golden eyes he was trying to avoid. "It's rude to not look at someone when they're trying to talk to you, isn't it?" Her eyes glow, and yet, he doesn't get the feeling that his mind is being invaded.

"R-Right... I'm sorry..." This girl's presence was intense, just like Aseiko's. Riku instinctively knows that he stands no chance of beating this girl in a fight.

"Eli, come on now, you're scaring the poor guy." Aseiko grumbles in her seat, looking at her comrade in disapproval.

"I'm not attacking him like you did, now am I? I just wanted to make sure his attention was on me..." Eli doesn't look away from Riku's eyes as she speaks. The next thing she says is in a hushed whisper, something Riku is just barely able to hear. "You really do look just like him... Even your eyes are..."

Riku grits his teeth and sharply turns his head. "Can you please stop that..?! I have no idea who you are, and you're uncomfortably close you know!" Riku blushes, able to feel the alternate Eli's body heat quite well from where they're standing.

The girl giggles softly, taking exactly three steps back. "Sorry. I promise I'm not like Chiyako, so I'm not going to ask you to sleep with me." Chiyako pouts at that statement, getting a few chuckles out of the others. "I am rather blunt though, so I won't lie when I say your presence here is strange. Someone who looks just like our leader, with the same name, and yet is clearly a different person because of his magic ability. You are strange, and I don't trust you, Riku Reality. Goodness, even your name is strange."

"Hey!" Riku internally cries. "What's wrong with my awesome name..?!"

"Anyways, my name's Elizabeth, but everyone just calls me Eli, as you heard. My magic power is being able to bring anything from my memory into real life, including people, as long as their magic power doesn't exceed mine. In other words, if your power is in my memory, I can replicate that too." She says a bit smugly. "My role here is...well, I'm basically number two's assistant. I'll let him explain that himself though."

Riku looks at the boy sitting across from Sorey, the same one who was with him when they stopped Aseiko from beating Riku to a pulp. "There's still two more people before you get to me though. Well, one, you already know Aseiko." Elizabeth turns away, showing off her robes. Her robes are the most intricate so far, being a dark gray with bright green, navy blue, and gold accents and designs that Riku can't make heads or tails of.

Aseiko sits up in her seat, grinning over at Riku as Eli sits back in her seat. "Yep, I'm number four. I'm basically a super badass general who also trains our warriors to be super duper strong. I'm the leader of our spearhead unit as well, a.k.a, the unit that attacks whatever force we're going up against head on. Well, right behind these three anyway." She snickers. "As for my magic ability, it's force control. Basically I can exert a certain amount of force from my body. The closer you are, the harder I can hit."

"'ve all got some crazy powers..." Riku chuckles nervously, sweating at the thought of having to fight any of them.

"Says the one who tore down an entire city with a wave of magic power!" Aseiko shouts in defense. "You can't blame me for wanting to fight ya after seeing that!" Before, she wasn't wearing her resistance robes. Now, she wears them proudly, the red and yellow robes glowing brighter than anyone else's' in the room.

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