Chapter 35: "The Way You Look at Her"

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After his meeting with Riku Fantasy, Reality sits and waits in his room. Part of him is worried about Fantasy, and is just waiting for the news notification to go off on his watch. The other half, however, needs time alone to think. Riku thinks for a long time, about the resistance, his new position, about Gina and Haruto's new forms, and about Artemis.

"What am I supposed to think..? Who should I trust..?" Riku closes his eyes, Reina and Makou coming to mind. "I wish you two were still here. Trusting you was so simple, because I knew that I could trust you both. I know I can trust Gina and Haruto...but as for the rest of the resistance..." Riku sighs, laying back on his bed. He can't help but think of the many memories he has with Artemis, from when they were simply student and teacher.

"You saved my life...came to my aid when I was bleeding out, and when I only had Roco on my side. I thought you did that because you were a good person; that's what my heart tells me. But...I also can't help but shake that everything that happened between us was just because of my connection with Fantasy..." Riku rolls over, frowning as he buries his face in his pillow. "Is that all I am to you? A connection to Riku Fantasy? If that's the case...then do you really care about me at all..?"

Riku closes his eyes, his memories of Artemis warping and mixing together with the Artemis who leads the resistance, as well as his thoughts of who she truly is. "Can I you..?"

"What does your heart tell you, Riku?" Riku jolts upward, looking over to see Gina and Haruto standing in his doorway. "Honestly, I think...if Artemis really only cared about the other Riku, then you wouldn't even have any place here. She would tie you up, and torture you for the answers you have. But she hasn't done any of that. Not only did she take all of us in, she also gave you the chance to prove yourself, and gave us the ability to fight for our parents' honor." Haruto walks over, sitting on the bed next to Riku, wearing a wry smile. "I don't think that's someone you shouldn't put your faith in."

Gina walks all the way into the room next. "I...I honestly don't like how much you think about her." She sits down on Riku's other side, hugging his arm. "Even after so much time, my feelings for you have only grown. I wish you'd look more at that we're the same age. I know you see me as a sister but..." Gina frowns, staring at her lap. "I want you to look at me...the way you look at her."

Riku is surprised at Gina's forwardness, but he can't help but smile, staring forward as he rubs their heads. "God, their magic really did wonders... You two really are all grown up now huh?" The two look at Riku's face, not making a sound. Riku takes a deep breath and sighs, closing his eyes. "I know it's rather selfish of me to get angry. I'm not even thinking about your feelings in all of this. So, I'm sorry..." He pulls the two of them in for a tight hug. "I'm proud of you both, for being able to make such a mature decision without being persuaded by anyone else."

Gina blushes as she feels Riku's arm wrap around her, and Haruto just smiles awkwardly. "Geez, this is embarrassing now that I'm older." He snickers.

"No matter how much older you get, how much you change, and how much you move forward, you two are always going to be important to me. You're not just kids to me, you're family, and you mean the world to me. I promised Reina and Makou that I wouldn't let anything happen to you, and I plan on keeping that promise." Riku looks down at Gina. "I'm sorry that I can't return your feelings right now Gina, because I'm just not ready for that kind of thing. Not in our current situation..."

Gina frowns, but nods in understanding. "It's okay... I knew even as a kid that the chance that you would look at me, even in an older form, was low. It makes my heart ache...but I've accepted it. I just...want you to be happy, and make friends with everyone around you." She grips his arm tightly, hiding her face in it. "So please, don't go pushing everyone away. I know it's hard after what happened to mom and dad, and after we went behind your back...but they're good people. They really really are..."

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