Chapter 23-1: "The Demon Headmaster of Apollo"

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Riku lays on his bed, head resting on the palms of his hands as he stares at the ceiling, the sun's light peeking through the curtain as it just begins to rise. I've got another problem to deal with..." Riku closes his eyes, thinking back on how the small meeting between Eli, Yujita, and himself went.

"So then...this Apollo headmaster is someone we need to look out for, but why are you telling me this, Yujita?"

"Because I'm asking you for help, Riku." Yujita looks into his eyes, his expression serious. "I know things are bad with everything that just happened, and that you're probably still recovering mentally, but...I know that he's probably going to do whatever it takes to get what he wants. You're not like me Riku, you're so strong and brave..." Yujita clenches his fists and his gaze falls toward the ground, but only for a moment.

"Yujita..?" Riku frowns, and Eli too looks sad hearing Yujita's words.

"So stop him. Stop him from hurting this place and all the girls and women here. He's a terrifying guy but...I honestly believe that he's someone you could beat. You're smart, and you have this aura around you that's've fought dozens, or even hundreds of battles; an aura of an experienced warrior." Yujita's eyes lock with Riku's once more with his final statement. "I know you can beat him."

Riku looks away and closes his eyes, going deep in thought for a moment. "What can you tell me about him? I imagine he too possesses magic, yes?"

"'s hard to say exactly what it is, but I've seen him destroy total power houses like it was nothing. He can sort of...disable someone's powers I think..." Yujita squints his eyes, trying to recall what he had seen.

"Like ability that allows him to cancel out someone else's powers..." Riku sighs, knowing if he chooses to fight, it will be quite the struggle.

"Yeah! Anti-magic! That's the term!" Yujita narrows his eyes. "But there's something else about it...he can attack with it too somehow. I haven't seen it exactly, but...I think he can somehow bend the space and intwine it with anti-magic; make a weapon out of it."

"So not just anti-magic but..." Riku runs a hand through his hair and clicks his tongue. "Anti-magic weaponry...Anti-magic space control..? Both sound dangerous and hard to deal with." Riku turns to Yujita. "How do you know he's coming here, Yujita? How did you come across that info?"

"Because, he told all the magic users himself. We're the people who take care of Apollo when he isn't around, just like the magic users here at Artemis."

"I see..." Riku thinks for another moment before giving Yujita his answer. "I'm going to need some time to think it over, Yujita. If I slip up even a little bit, that man could kill me. Will you give me time to make my decision?" Yujita nods slowly, hesitant since he knows there isn't much time, but there's not much he can do about it. "Do you know what time he will be here?"

"Apollo is across the city, and he said he would be leaving in the morning. If he takes a car, with the traffic in this city...yeah, it'll take a while. I imagine he'll get here by noon." Yujita surmises.

"All I'll say is this. If I choose to fight this guy, you'll know. Just give me time to think." Yujita nods once again, having hope. Riku then turns to Eli. "We'll have to hold off on our conversation for another time. All I'm going to say is this, 'yes, you are correct in your thinking', but, I cannot say more. I know we're strangers, but you're going to have to trust me for now."

Eli nods as well. "I understand that. We can talk another time. Until then, Riku."

Afterwards, he left the two and went to his room. That brings us to the present, where Riku is processing all this information and trying to decide what choice he's going to make. He's silent for a good while, unable to sleep with everything on his mind. "If I am going to end up fighting this guy, there's something I'm going to need..." He pulls out his phone and starts texting Riku Reality. The conversation isn't long before Riku starts getting prepared physically and mentally for this meeting. He does his usual exercises and magical training, eats breakfast, and takes a quick shower before getting dressed into a new uniform.

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