Chapter 44-1: "The First Round"

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It doesn't take long for news to spread of Riku's triumph over Sumira. And of course, Raichi is the most excited about this news. He's literally one of the first ones in the nursery bugging Riku. "I hope you're ready to get schooled! There's absolutely no way you're gonna beat me dude, you have zero chance."

"You know I'm gonna wait a little bit before I challenge you, right..?" Riku chuckles awkwardly in his bed, fully healed but his body is exhausted due to Liena's healing magic.

"Well don't take too long, or I might just challenge you first!" Raichi smirks confidently.

"Well, you'd best hurry up with that challenge." As Artemis walks in, Raichi stands at attention, and Sumira sits up. "We'll be attacking the castle in two weeks. I'll need everyone fully healed and ready for battle by then."

"Two weeks... So it's finally time, huh?" Raichi crosses his arms and leans back on the wall slightly.

"Two weeks... Huh, that's right before my birthday. I'll finally be 18." Riku mumbles. "Not how I imagined my 18th, but."

"We'll be sure to throw both a celebration for your birthday, and when you beat Raichi." Sumira says with full confidence in her comrade.

"Awww, thank you Sumira." Riku smiles softly. How long has it been since he's had other people to celebrate his birthday with? Not since he's left the orphanage.

Artemis stares at Riku for a moment, getting lost in thought. "So even their birthdays are very close together... Just who are you, Riku Reality?"

Riku is about to turn to look at her, but a certain someone quickly grabs his attention first. "Hey! Don't automatically assume I'll lose!" Raichi growls, showing off his fangs.

"Trust me Raichi, I know better than anyone how strong you are. However, I believe Riku will be able to beat you. If not, get very close to beating you at the very least. With his abilities, your speed won't help you much. And I know how you like to fight against enemies you haven't fought before. I think that style will be your downfall."

"What style? What do you mean?" Riku tilts his head.

"I'm not going to say anymore, lest I give you an unfair advantage against Raichi." Sumira states.

"Heh, well even with that style of fighting, I still managed to get to the sixth spot and even gave Sorey a run for his money! I think I'll do just fine." Raichi grins.

"I don't know... He beat you pretty quickly a week ago." Riku chuckles.

"S-Shut up, I'll get to his level in no time! You won't be beating me, Riku." Raichi grins.

"I guess we'll have to wait and see." Riku smirks with confidence in return.

Artemis finds herself smiling as well. Though she's suspicious of Riku Reality, she doesn't view him as an enemy or someone with any malice. She believes his heart is good, that his words, actions, and tears are true. So, she's happy interacting with everyone at the resistance has had such a positive effect on Riku.


It doesn't take long for Riku and Sumira to be healed fully; less than two days, and by the time Riku is walking about the resistance base again, everyone is singing his praises.

"Holy cow, up to the seventh ranked Teikoki in less than a month! That's practically unheard of!"

"Yeah, the last people who moved up that quickly were Sorey and Arima. He's no joke."

"Apparently he's already going after Raichi's spot too, and he's only just recovered! What a nut."

Riku can't help but smile as he walks the halls of the base. Before all he felt was anxiety when going anywhere. All most people felt for him was suspicion. But, with nearly all of the Teikoki members, Gina and Haruto, as well as Artemis herself vouching for him now, a good majority of the resistance believes in him now as well.

Of course, there are still several who are suspicious, giving him those untrusting looks as he walks by. "It's fine... Once the battle for the capital takes place, I'll prove to everyone I can be trusted. Then Makou and Reina...can finally rest in peace."

"Then we shouldn't waste any time, right?" Raichi says from around the corner that Riku is walking towards, turning around so he can meet Riku face to face.

Riku smiles in return and nods. "I guess the best way to get stronger in time for the next fight, would be to train with you." Deep down, Riku isn't fully confident that he can beat Raichi just yet. However, he doesn't have to beat him on the first try. What better way to get even stronger than go head to head with someone who's right at his level?

"Alright then, we've got less than two weeks. If you beat me in one go, then you get to fight Eli right away. Though, I'm not going to let that happen." Raichi grins. "Come on, let's go. The field will be the exact same as the one Sorey and I fought on." He states as he leads the way to one of the Teikoki training rooms.

"Sounds good to me. That's the best location to let our abilities shine the brightest." Riku snickers at his pun, since both his and Raichi's magic powers are rather "bright".

It only takes a few minutes to get to the training room and set the stage. Riku and Raichi gear up in their respective combat gear and resistance robes, standing about six yards away from one another. Both of them glow in their respective magical auras, Riku's a bright, cyan blue color and Raichi's the same royal, sparkling blue.

"You aren't gonna activate your dragon mode or whatever?" Riku asks as he readies his blades, both of them becoming encased in his magic power.

"Why go all out right from the start and ruin the fine? Besides, before anything else, I gotta test the WATERS!" Raichi quickly fires a blue ball of light at Riku, to which he jumps into the air to evade. The ball explodes like a flash bang, and Raichi is quick to fly up after him at the exact moment it goes off.

"So, that's what Sumira meant by your 'style of fighting'." Riku appears behind Raichi, a ball of magic power in his hand.

"Wha-" Raichi rolls, but even with his speed, Riku's attack is too fast and too sudden. Riku slams the ball of energy into Raichi, hitting his side and the force of it sends him crashing into the ground.

"You don't go all out right at the start of a fight when it comes to fights like this, do you Raichi? That's why Sumira thinks you're going to lose to me." Riku states confidently, his eyes glowing through the smoke of his attack.

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