Chapter 31-3

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Riku quickly teleports several feet backwards to avoid the woman's quick punch, but the force of her blow continues plowing forward directly into him, knocking him back a couple more feet even as he blocks. "Geez, she really is strong..!" Riku quickly uses his magic to enhance his physical strength, endurance, and speed before dashing forward himself.

"Taking me head on huh? I like it!" The woman grins, lunging forward once more and throwing another punch. Riku swings his blade at the same time, the respective magic energies colliding.

"Just as I thought, my magic energy isn't affecting her's at all..!" Riku quickly flips forward to avoid the brunt of the woman's magic, charging some magic energy into his palm as he does.

"Agile one aren't we? But so am I!" The woman quickly flips backwards herself, swinging her leg at him as she does. Riku once again teleports to avoid her magic attack, but this time appearing right at her side. Without a word, he slams his palm against her torso and fires his cyan colored magic energy at her point blank, in the form of an energy beam. The force of the bean knocks the woman quite a few feet away, to the point she flies out of view.

Riku does hear a crash, but he assumes that was most likely the sound of her just catching herself. And so, he begins gathering more magic energy into his palms as he holds up his blades in a defensive position. Just as he predicted, the woman comes flying back at him with a vengeance, a wild grin on her face as she bolts through the air.

Riku quickly holds up his hands and fires a barrage of energy blasts at the woman, hoping to knock her off course at the very least. Unfortunately, the magic aura that surrounds her easily knocks away the weak shots Riku fires, not earning so much as a simple flinch out of his opponent. Riku smirks nervously, standing his ground as he prepares to take on the brunt of her attack. "Well shit."

The woman laughs as she slams her fist against Riku's blades, her force-like magic coming as an aftereffect this time. The force strikes twice as hard as it did before, knocking Riku off his feet despite his enhancements. "What a monster..!" Riku thinks to himself as he sees the woman flying above him the second he's knocked off his feet. He quickly teleports away as the woman slams her fist downward, breaking apart the ground with ease.

"Damnit, quit hopping around so much!" The woman growls, turning in Riku's direction as he appears in a tree.

"And let you turn me into paste?! Yeah, screw that!" Riku quickly turns and jumps off the tree, flying further away through the forest, using the trees as cover.

"Hey! Get back here!" The woman uses her magic to launch her through the air herself, flying after Riku and staying afloat with a few repeated thrusts of her aura.

"I won't be able to beat her head on, that's for sure... So, I'm gonna have to play it smart." Riku looks back as the woman chases after him. "That's right, keep following me..." Riku continues to fly, getting further and further away from the slum's graveyard.

Once they're a good distance away, the woman growls once more impatiently, charging magic power in between her palms. "Don't think you can get away from me..." She mutters, the space in between her palms glowing brightly and sparking powerfully. "Let's see how far you get on your feet!" The woman thrusts her arms forward, firing off more force than Riku has yet to experience.

Riku looks back as she yells, eyes widening as he sees the bright yellow, spark-like energy quickly gaining on him and knocking down any trees in its path. "Welp, I guess this distance will have to do!" Riku quickly drops his flight to avoid the force of the woman's attack, just barely avoiding it in time yet again.

Unfortunately, the woman is on him the second his feet touch the ground. "Let's see you teleport away from this!" She thrusts her energy-encased fist down at him.

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