Chapter 12-2 (Side- Fantasy)

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I may be trying to act confident, but I have no plan, my magic is weaker than this shadow user's, and if I use too much magic without realizing, I'm a goner. At most, I can use my magic for maybe ten more minutes without losing it. I need to wait to use it only at the most crucial moments, so I call off my magic. This surprises the boy wrapped in shadows, so I take this chance to drop down and kick him in the chin. Afterward, I spin around on my hands and knock him away from me with a swipe of my legs.

He flips in the air and easily catches himself with a light growl in his voice. "So what, you're not using your magic now? You think you can beat me without it? Or maybe..." His eyes light up and I can tell he's smirking by the way his eyes narrow. "You're new to using magic, aren't you?! Have you already run out of energy?!" He laughs, putting a hand over his face. "And you were so cocky too!" He swings his sword and another dark slash flies towards me.

"How cute, he thinks he's got me figured out." I dash forward and slide on the ground to avoid the slash, immediately jumping off the floor to avoid the next he fires at me. "Rule number one in a fight, never assume anything about your opponent!" I encase my fist in light and punch the boy once more.

However, he blocks it this time, sliding back only a little bit before twisting his arms and grabbing mine. "Shouldn't that rule be changed to 'don't underestimate your enemy'?!" A small black ball appears in between our faces and he lets go of my arm, jumping away from me.

"Son of a-" I put up the quickest light shield I can, but it's too weak to protect me from the full force of the tiny dark explosion at point blank range. I go flying up into the nearest tree and grunt, sliding to the ground. "...Wait a minute..." I sit up and glare at the guy. "Those literally mean the same exact thing dumbass! Wah!" I fall backwards off the tree to avoid a wave of darkness.

The shadow boy holds out his hand and his shadow extends and twists, reaching out to try and grab me. I hold out my hand as well and create a sphere of light around me, which instantly becomes encased in the darkness. I know it won't take him long to break through the barrier, so I charge fire and lightning into my feet. The moment my shield cracks, I release the magic in my feet and go flying out of the barrier, bursting through the darkness with a punch.

I continue flying forward after that and, sensing where the young man is, I instantly make contact with the dude's gut and I knock the wind out of him. His shroud armor even breaks over his mouth a little bit, though it's hard to tell with the mask that's still there. I'm about to continue my assault, but something hits me in the gut next, and hard, making me grunt just as heavily as he did. I look down to see a dark fist coming out of the ground, and it doesn't stop there.

"I'm getting tired of this game of back and forth..." Mr. Mask says as his armor reforms once again, the ground beneath us turning entirely black. "Don't think I'm just gonna take it..!" Several shapes come out of the blackened ground to knock me back and forth, and I do my best to defend with my light-based elements. Unfortunately, my magic starts getting weaker while he seems to only be getting stronger and faster. Soon enough, he's knocking me back and forth with fists, vines, pillars, and more, all created out of that shrouding ability of his.

At some point, he stops attacking me with those objects and jumps up at me to attack me himself. He punches me in the back and sends me high up into the air. I groan, but even so, the night sky is quite beautiful. Seeing two shining stars glowing right beside one another reminds me of Jira and Remi's smiling faces. If I lose, he might hurt them. "I still have magic left to fight with... I'm not dead yet!"

I flip in the air so I can face the boy cloaked in darkness head on. As I'm dropping down, I see him rushing toward me, ready to swing his katana again. There's a scary amount of dark energy swirling around his blade, but I'm not backing down. "Let's see if you survive this, smartass!" He swings his blade downward and a heavy amount of shadow like energy shoots out toward me.

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