Chapter 18-1: "Power" (Side- Reality)

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Warning: Some intense violence this chapter; viewer discretion advised.

"Your magic...why is it..?" Souta can't even form proper words.

"I told you...time and time again..." I clench my fists tightly, my magic aura forming energy around the blades on my arms to make them even stronger and glow that much brighter. "I'm not the Riku you used to know. Now...I'm gonna make you regret ever messing with me." My gaze is void of any emotion, but my bloodlust is explosive. I wanna kill each and every one of them, torture them like they tortured me. The only thing on my mind is making them suffer for everything they've done.

"Oh whatever, so you've got some fancy energy. You don't scare me!" Kana shouts and runs at me.

"Kana no!" Despite Souta's protests, she doesn't stop moving. I simply change my position to be directly in front of her and punch her in the gut. My strength is much higher than it was before, if it wasn't obvious from the way Kana spits up blood despite being fully metal still. Of course, I retracted my blade before punching her. I want her to feel as much pain as possible in these next few moments.

Using my enhanced speed and strength, I rapidly punch and kick her, making sure to keep her from falling to the ground by moving around her as well. She can barely even let out a yelp due to the speed of my punches and kicks. All she can do is scream in pain.

"Stop it!" Souta sends his metal spikes at me once more. I grab Kana's body and hurl it at him with all my might, all of his spikes getting stuck in her iron form just before her body slams into his and they collide with the nearest building outside.

I hear Aina scream in anger and don't even have to look to see she's charged up quite a bit of her light magic into her palms: I can feel the heat from it on my back before turning around to face her. "Die die die die DIE!" She fires a massive beam from the large ball of light in her palms at me.

Without flinching, I raise up my arm and charge my own magic energy into my palm. The ball that forms isn't nearly as big, but the pressure it gives off alone is enough for anyone to know that it is quite dense. I fire my own beam into Aina's and they clash for a moment. The clash doesn't last very long though, because when my beam begins pushing Aina's back, her beam is suddenly turned into particles of energy that turn the same color as my magic energy. I absorb the particles into my body, and not long after, my beam collides with Aina's body, exploding on impact and knocking her into the air. Her body spins a few times before falling onto the ground. She's merely unconscious, but if I wanted to kill her, I'm sure I could.

Little do I know, Souta is right behind me with a sword in his hand and an intense glare in his eyes. My instinct doesn't fail me though; I instantly turn around as he thrusts and grab his wrist, staring into his eyes as I lift him off the ground, making him drop the sword. "That doesn't belong to you." I drop him and spin around, kicking his stomach and he gets thrown outside once more.

I quickly relocate my body outside; basically teleporting, to continue my assault. As soon as I'm outside, I can see Kana is out cold, her skin returned to its normal state. The only one still conscious and kicking is Souta, panting and groaning on the ground as he forces himself to stand. I don't take my eyes off of him as I begin marching over.

"You hurt Roco." I fire a blast into him, making him yelp in pain. He tries to fire his spikes into me, but I quickly erase them with a wave of my magic power, just like I did to Aina's beam of light. "You tortured me. Nearly killed me." I fire another beam into him, earning another grunt out of him. "Then you come here. You force everyone in the slums to leave. You ruin all of our hard work. You kill everyone who disobeys and tries to rebel you. And most of all, you hurt my only family beyond repair." With every sin I call out, I fire another beam into Souta. However, with the final sin announced, I fire a barrage of beams into him, then teleport in front of him and punch him into the wall, holding him there by the collar of his shirt.

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