Chapter 19-4 (Side- Fantasy)

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The silence between the four is deafening, the elevator hardly making any noise either as they all descend lower and lower. When the elevator goes past the lowermost basement level is when someone speaks up; Yoshitabi. "I thought there were only five total basement levels?"

"Five levels that normal staff and residents can access. The lower levels are for myself and the special-class residents only." Emica answers, watching as the elevator reaches B-8 and the doors open.

"Special..?" Yoshitabi raises an eyebrow in question. Riku and Yujita don't have to wonder though; their immediate assumption is that she is speaking of residents who possess magic.

The three follow Emica down a somewhat lengthy hall, a set of double doors at the end of it. "Was this long hallway really necessary?" Riku asks as they walk.

"What? I think it looks neat." Emica pouts somewhat, making Riku roll his eyes as they finally reach the doors. Emica pulls open the wooden doors to reveal a rather grandiose looking council room of sorts. There's a large, round table in the center, dozens of chairs surrounding it, and in front of each chair is a different colored cloth than the red and gold lined one that covers the table. Each cloth is different and has a different symbol. In each of the chairs sit various different females, including Jean, some young, and some at a more mature age.

"Well, you're actually all here before me. That's a first." Emica says as she sits in her own chair, much larger than the rest, the cloth in front of her bearing the organization's symbol and colors.

"Well Jean made it sound super duper important, so we all rushed here immediately." One of the girls says.

Counting them all in his head, Riku counts 27 other women around the table, not including Jean and Nishida. "Adding myself and Yujita...that makes a total of 31 magic users in this room..."

"So um...what's this whole meeting about..? The atmosphere in the room is...really tense..." The girl speaking up this time seems to be a bit more on the anxious side, not looking at anyone in particular when she talks.

"This meeting is being held to discuss members Remi and Jira, and the incident that was caused involving Riku, Instructor Yoshitabi, and Riku's close friend, Yujita, who's not even involved with Artemis in any way." Emica explains to the women, Riku's eyes darkening at the mention of the two girls. "Because of that incident, these three all have a right to know about the full truth of Artemis. About this little group of ours, our secret goal, all of it."

"Just what did those two do? I always had this feeling they were a little off, but to do something that would lead to this? And just where are those two anyway?" Yet another one of the women asks.

"They're dead." This time, Riku's the one talking. All of the girls quickly focus on him, some eyes going wide, others not looking surprised, and a few that are completely neutral. "Jira drugged me, dragged me to some unknown, abandoned building, then proceeded to torture me for hours, alongside Remi, who showed up after nabbing Yujita and Yoshitabi as well. Thankfully, Nishida showed up just on time to save us all from certain death. Well, Yujita and I from certain death. Apparently Yoshitabi was never in any danger." Riku shrugs.

"What?! Is that why we were in the nursery..? Forget that, are you alright Riku?" Yoshitabi walks closer to inspect him.

"Fine! I'm fine..." Yoshitabi seems a bit surprised when Riku snaps at her suddenly, though immediately understands why after having just heard the news about what happened to him.

"Besides that...Emica, you killed two young girls?" Yoshitabi looks at Emica in absolute shock.

"They were beyond help. If I didn't kill them, they were going to kill Riku and Yujita." Emica says with a frown.

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