Chapter 30-3

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Kenji blinks a few times, staring at Riku utterly dumbfounded. "What? What do you mean you're not my brother? How does that even make any sense?!"

"Calm down. It's going to be a lot to take in, remember? Just take a deep breath, and listen to what I have to say." Kenji does as Riku asks, a bit grumpily, but he stays silent.

Riku explains the situation he's currently in, having swapped bodies with the Riku Fumiya of this world, and explaining the fantasy world he actually comes from. He also told Kenji about the Riku of this world, how awful his life truly was, and that he had no idea magic even existed in his actual world. He tells him everything that there is to tell, about the things that have happened to him in this world, and what Riku Reality has gone through as well, in both. Finally, he showed him proof, showing the text messages between himself and his alternate.

"I know it wouldn't make any sense for you to be making this up, but how do I know this isn't all false?" Kenji looks at Riku Fantasy with suspicion in his gaze.

"The pill I gave Yujita, the weapon I used to fight Hiroshi, and this bracelet." Riku taps a button on the bracelet on his right wrist and his gunblade forms in his hand. "This blade isn't anything like you have on this world, not even in any kind of magic facility, correct? Not to mention, those pills and the ammunition this weapon takes? All a natural energy source that comes from my world, something that doesn't exist on this planet. If those things aren't proof enough, then what more proof do you need?"

Kenji stares at him and sighs in defeat. "So then...does that mean I'll never get to see my real brother?" He narrows his eyes, a dark sadness in them.

Riku places his hand on Kenji's shoulder. "Not at all. After all, it's been about five months since the switch initially happened. The day I'm to turn 19 years old is the day we decide whether or not to swap bodies. You only have to wait one more year until you see your brother." Riku smiles at Kenji knowingly. "You're a smart kid though Kenji, I'm sure you sensed something off about me from the very beginning, no?"

Kenji doesn't respond at first, looking off into the distance before answering. "Yeah...when I first saw you, it just...didn't feel right. I wondered if fighting might make me feel something, but there was no way you were my brother. To fight so well with and without your magic, the pills, that weapon, and even the way you act... It's like you've fought hundreds of battles that nobody's ever seen before."

Riku's smile fades, and he looks off as well. "I was a resistance leader before all of this. That position is something your brother is trying to take over now. However, he has to convince the current members of that resistance that he's not only trustworthy, but strong enough and smart enough to take on that role. If he can't do that, then he never will."

"He will." Kenji states bluntly, smiling once more as he sees Yujita down below, hanging out with the bullies that once ostracized him.

"And what makes you say that?" Riku curiously cocks an eyebrow.

"Because you were able to do it, and you're both the same person. My brother was strong enough to live alone all this time, being bullied every single day without anything to look forward to each and every day. He was a lot like Yujita, in that sense, and just look at how amazing Yujita became after he met you. I have a feeling the people surrounding him now are going to turn him into an amazing human being, one capable of leading them all to the outcome they're trying so hard to accomplish." Kenji speaks with confidence, having faith that every word he speaks is the absolute truth.

Riku smiles softly, but only momentarily. "I do believe Riku Reality will become a great human being indeed, but a leader...that takes many...many failures, battles...and losses. Whether or not he will be able to handle it all will be completely up to him. After all...we aren't exactly the same person anymore." The last phrase is something he whispers to himself.

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