Chapter 1 - Christophsis

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Anakin Skywalker

War. It's been raging for mere months, but it's already tearing the galaxy apart at its seams. Nothing but destruction is left in its wake. The Jedi are being sent on one mission after another practically nonstop since the very start, which is making it difficult for me to have time around the others. Much of the time, though, I'm either sent on missions with Obi-Wan or Aniya. Qui-Gon doesn't go on such missions that often, especially not ones that are intense battles.

My eyes scan over the battle unfolding in front of me from where I stand far above. This is probably the biggest droid army I've ever seen. Maybe not more than on Geonosis, but there are far more sophisticated types of droids here. The majority of them are super battle droids. A few interspersed ones are taller than humans and spider like, the round part on top shooting almost nonstop blaster fire with an intensity almost that of a cannon. They're much harder to fight against than even the super battle droids. If I can distract one of them, it will make the battle much easier for Obi-Wan and the clones.

"Follow me," I command the clones and jump down, landing gracefully atop one of the huge droids. Rex, my clone commander, and the four clones with him fly after with jetpacks and begin shooting up another droid.

One of the nearby spider droids immediately takes notice of me and starts firing my direction. I spin my lightsaber, deflecting the bolts. Down below, I see Obi-Wan and his clones launch their own attack against the droids. Our cannons start firing down on the droids, destroying them.

Finally, I jump down to a lower part of the droid I'm standing on, continuing to deflect the blaster bolts. Finding an opportunity, I slash the blade through the center of the huge spider droid and jump off it onto another as the first blows up. The same droid that was shooting at me before turns to keep firing at my new location. I deflect a bolt straight back to it, reducing its cannon to smoking remains. Another one down. Spotting Obi-Wan nearby waiting for me, I leap off the droid I'm standing on and chop off one of its legs on my way to the ground, leaving it toppling over as I hurry to join him.

The numbers of clones have greatly diminished by now. We've lost so many in this battle. The Separatist army doesn't seem to be getting smaller nearly as fast. There's practically a never-ending number of droids in front of us. "We're gonna need reinforcements," I warn, deflecting the blaster bolts flying our way.

"We haven't been able to get through to the Admiral," my former master replies.

The battle continues raging for a few minutes before suddenly all the droids turn around and begin retreating the other direction. "They're pulling back!" I exclaim. Right on cue, a spaceship flies overhead, preparing to land.

"Looks like help has arrived," Obi-Wan remarks. Now that the battle is over, Artoo rolls over to us from wherever he's been hiding this whole time, probably up by our cannons where I told him it should be safe from the firing. "Our cruiser must be back," Obi-Wan comments as we walk towards where the shuttle is preparing to land.

"Which means we'll be able to get our reinforcements," I agree, relieved. We're not going to be able to win this battle with only what we have left.

"Then it looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies... and perhaps they brought my new Padawan with them." Wait, he might be bringing a padawan into a battle like this? If it wasn't as tense, that would be one thing, but...

I glance over at Obi-Wan. "You really think it's a good idea to bring a Padawan learner into all this?" Because I wouldn't advise anyone other than someone well trained being brought into this chaos. They likely wouldn't survive.

"I spoke to Master Yoda about it. You should put in a request for one," Obi-Wan suggests, "You'd make a good teacher."

"No thanks," I deadpan. Teaching is not for me.

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