Chapter 29 - Visions in the Night

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Anakin Skywalker

"How long do you think it'll be?" Aniya asks. She hasn't moved from Alema's side since the moment we arrived. I'm sitting at the foot of Ahsoka's bed, watching the other ships outside the window.

"They've been out for a while. It shouldn't be too long," I attempt to reassure her. I'm glad no one pressed for information as to how we got that knowledge from Poggle. I'm not about to get into it with anyone.

Suddenly, Ahsoka stirs. She jerks awake with a start, bolting upright. Her eyes are wide, and fear pours through our bond in a rush. I jump up, hurrying to her side. "It's all right, Ahsoka," I assure her immediately, resting a hand on her shoulder, "It's okay. You're safe." I push her back down on the bed, pulling the blanket back over her.

"Alema?" she asks worriedly, "Barriss?"

"They're okay," Aniya assures her, getting up from next to her padawan and coming to join me on the other side of Ahsoka's bed.

"They're fine, thanks to your efforts," I reply, "And so are the clones."

Alema jolts suddenly, eyes opening. She sits up, looking around in alarm. "Alema!" exclaims Aniya, running to her.

"Is Ahsoka alright?" she asks worriedly, eyes darting around.

"I'm right here, and I'm fine," my padawan calls.

Alema nods, sinking back against the bed. She still looks worn out.

"What were those things?" Ahsoka inquires.

"I think I can help answer that," a familiar voice comes from the doorway. I look up to see Fisto approaching. "We had the parasite worms analyzed. They are the same type of creature you found on Geonosis, Master Skywalker."

"We'll have to inform the troops on Geonosis," I point out, "This parasite might explain how they recaptured the planet the first time. I don't want it happening again."

"Agreed," Aniya nods emphatically. "It's senseless to refight a battle we've already won."

"Master Skywalker," Ahsoka calls, "May I have a word?" Fisto nods, then exits the room.

"Master, on the ship," she begins, "Barriss was gone, and she wanted me to kill her. She told me..." She trails off, unable to finish.

"But you couldn't do it," I conclude.

"No," she confirms, shaking her head, "No, I couldn't. But should I have? I mean, it worked out now, but if we had failed, if the ship docked and the worms spread and..."

Her mind is spiraling into a doomsday scenario again. I understand her concerns better than I could ever say. "Ahsoka, it's your duty to save as many lives as you can. Barriss knew you could save thousands if the worms were destroyed. Which she thought meant destroying her, too. But you did the right thing." At the end of the day, that's all that matters, isn't it? Not what was done and how it was done, but that it was right? "You knew the freezing cold would kill the worms. Letting go of our attachments is a difficult struggle for all of us. You followed your instincts. I'm sure she would agree that you made the right choice."

"Anyway, are you alright, Alema?" Aniya inquires. "Like... if your mind is alright?"

"I'm fine, I guess?" she insists, though she doesn't sound entirely certain.

"It's not a crime to admit it if you're not okay, Icicle," Aniya reminds.

"You know... that name has a whole new meaning to me now," Alema grumbles.

"And you know, you should follow that more yourselves," chirps Ahsoka, earning a glare from both me and my twin.

"You should get some rest," I tell them, standing up. "We'll be back later." Ahsoka nods, rolling over towards the window and closing her eyes.

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