Chapter 57 - Unexpected Encounters

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Aniya Skywalker

"Anything else, Master?" Alema chirps from her perch on the wing of my fighter.

"No, that's it for now," I reply, scooting out from under my fighter where I was working on fixing it. She carelessly tosses the last unneeded tool to the hanger floor, and I give her a flat look as it clangs on the ground. She gives me an innocent smile in response.

It's easier... to do what my brother usually does, and lose myself in trying to fix things when I do have free time. I'll never be as good as Anakin, but it still works as a distraction for me, too.

"Come on, we should..." I pause as I feel a familiar Force presence approaching.

"Hey, Obi-Wan," I call as he steps into view around the other fighters and shuttles in the Temple hanger.

"Hello, Aniya," he replies, clearly trying to come across as casual although it looks like something is bothering him.

"Something going on?" I inquire.

"Not in particular. Do you have any ship I could borrow?"

What?! I cock an eyebrow at him. "What do you need a ship for?" Why couldn't he get one from the Temple, unless he's going somewhere that isn't sanctioned by the Council? That doesn't even make any sense.

"Are you sure nothing's going on?" asks Alema dubiously.

Obi-Wan sighs. "I need to take care of some things, and I want to avoid causing a commotion."

"Isn't that kind of what you do for a living?" I chirp.

He glares at me.

"No seriously, what things do you need to take care of that are so personal you can't use a Jedi ship?"

"It's a personal mission to Mandalore," he explains hesitantly, "There's some things going on there, and the Republic and Jedi aren't allowed to get involved." Mandalore? I haven't heard anything about Mandalore in a while, not since failed peace talks were held several months back.

"So, you're going there illegally?" Alema cuts in with a smirk.

"It's not illegal just because it's not an official Jedi mission," he grumbles.

"What's happening on Mandalore?" I query with a frown.

"Death Watch has taken control, and Satine sent a message asking for our help," Obi-Wan replies, "But since it's an independent act, not backed by the Separatists, it's technically an internal matter."

Well, that definitely doesn't sound good. And it's also not something I'm letting him run into like this with no backing. "You can probably take the Twilight," I offer, "But I want to come."

"That won't be necessary," Obi-Wan insists.

I shrug. "I'm not letting you walk into this alone. These are Mandalorians we're talking about. They're trained to deal with Jedi."


"Why are you so reluctant anyway?" I smirk, "Do you just not want me there when you reunite with your girlfriend –"

He glares at me again. "Satine and I are just friends."

"Suuuure, keep telling yourself that."

"What about me?" Alema speaks up, "Am I coming too?"

"I think some other duties like schoolwork need your attention more urgently," I reply, "Don't worry. We'll be back before you even notice us missing."

"Somehow, I doubt that will happen."

"Thanks for the vote of confidence."


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