Chapter 22 - Holocron Heist

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Author's Note: As of last week, we've finished posting a third of this book. :D

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka Tano

Alema and I stand atop a tank, lightsabers swinging in unison as we deflect blaster bolts. The battle is going surprisingly well. All the droids that are advancing on us are being quickly destroyed. They've been marching through the trees for a while, but they're starting to turn back now.

"Ahsoka, where are you?" Obi-Wan's voice comes from over my comm. I dodge a bolt flying over my head, spinning my lightsaber to deflect a few more shots, "Ahsoka, what is your location?" he demands again.

"About six clicks east, Master," I reply, "We've engaged the enemy, and we've got them on the run."

"They're here to extract us. We're leaving," Obi-Wan responds.

"What?!" I exclaim, swinging my lightsaber to the side barely in time to avoid being hit, "We can't retreat now, Master! I've broken through. The droids are retreating."

"We're outnumbered. You must evacuate. That is an order!"

I spin my lightsaber a few more times, eyeing the droids as they start heading away. "Anakin taught me never to let up when the tinnies are on the run," I protest.

"They are running back here to regroup with the main force. You are putting your troops' lives in danger, young one. You will get on the gunship when we arrive," Obi-Wan retorts, before the connection breaks. Seriously? We're winning! The droids are on a rapid retreat. I'm not going to leave for no good reason when we could win the battle. What's the point in stopping if we could win over here?

It doesn't take long before I hear the gunships flying overhead. "Come on, Ahsoka, we need to go," Alema's voice breaks through my concentration.

"We're winning!" I insist. "I'm not a coward!"

"We have orders!" Alema reminds frustratedly. Even so long after having become Aniya's padawan, it seems some of her previous experience is sticking with her. I'm not exactly surprised. That kind of thing tends to stay with a person for life, or at least a very long time.

The gunship flies overhead, landing between us and the rest of the battle. "What are you doing?!" I cry, waving my arm around in irritation. This is insanity.

Alema jumps off the tank and hurries towards the gunship as two seriously upset Chosen twins emerge. "Get in the ship, now!" Anakin snaps, stalking towards me.

"Can't you see they're retreating?" I protest.

"They're about to overrun you, Ahsoka," he retorts angrily. "You can't see it. Now, follow orders and get in the ship." His voice leaves no room for games, so I reluctantly stalk past him onto the gunship. He climbs on after, watching out through the door as a sudden explosion rips through the area I was standing moments before. If they hadn't come when they did, that would have been me.

"You should know by now that we don't give retreat orders for the fun of it," is all Aniya says as the gunships fly upwards, heading back towards the cruiser. Anakin doesn't say anything, though his disapproval is clear.

Aniya Skywalker

"A disturbance in the Force. Intruders there will be in this Temple," Yoda suddenly murmurs as we near the end of the briefing.

"Intruders?!" I repeat disbelievingly. How is that possible? How could someone infiltrate the Temple? The Jedi would be able to stop them before they got inside. Right? But more importantly, why would someone even try something like that? I'm on my feet instantly, heading for the door.

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