Chapter 11 - The Malevolence

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Anakin Skywalker

"How's the hunt for the mystery weapon going?" I query, trying to ignore the unease at its mention. I don't like this at all. The mysterious ship has already destroyed Republic ships in several systems and the Council decided to send Qui-Gon and Plo Koon straight into the chaos to hunt for the ship.

"We've tracked it to the Abregado system," answers Plo.

"But we need reinforcements," Qui-Gon interjects, "We can see the ship up ahead. It's far too large for us destroy with the forces we have left."

I frown. This does not sound good at all. "I'll have to ask the Council. I was given strict orders to protect our staging area," I say, though I know if it gets too serious, I am going to ignore the said orders. Qui-Gon's life is more important.

Suddenly, the transmission begins to go staticky. "Master Plo?" Ahsoka exclaims. "What's happening?" The hologram disappears before she even finishes talking, leaving dread swelling within me. The transmission must have been jammed by the Separatists, which means that if they need help, they're not going to have any way of getting ahold of us.

"You heard Master Plo!" Ahsoka exclaims as I turn, hurrying towards the room where I know the Council meeting is being held. "They need our support. We have to go help them." I wish it were so easy. That's the benefit of being a padawan instead of a knight. Things seem far easier than they really are, especially when you don't have anyone else to look after. In a way of sorts, as I suspected, a padawan has slowed me down, but I can't say I mind Ahsoka being with me. I already love the girl in a way I never could anyone else. Her recklessness, her cheerfulness, her carelessness, her ability to only see everything in black and white... they're all things I wish I had.

"We have to see what the Council decides first," I explain, "This is an important meeting, Ahsoka." And hopefully a fast one, because I have no patience for this right now. We need to get going. "Remember, be mindful. And speak only when spoken to."

"Don't I always?" she chirps. No, most definitely not.

The doors slide open, and Ahsoka and I step into the room where the meeting by hologram is being held. "This mystery weapon has struck in a dozen systems and disappeared without a trace," Palpatine is saying, "We cannot afford to lose any more ships, my friends."

He turns as we enter, catching sight of me. "Ah, Master Skywalker," he greets me. "Have you had any success in finding General Grievous' secret weapon?"

"Master Qui-Gon and Master Plo were here," I say, pushing a button so a hologram of the brilliant red planet appears. "In the Abregado system when we lost contact." And if the Council doesn't want to let me go, too bad. I'm doing it anyway. I'm not about to let lives pointlessly be wasted.

"We've had no further contact with either of them since then," I add, "The absence of distress beacons indicates that their fleets were..." I trail off, almost not wanting to finish. I can't bear the thought of it, but the implications say it all. "That their fleets were destroyed like the others. We are about to prepare a rescue mission." Except it can't be true. It can't be. Qui-Gon's survived far too much for him to die on us now. I can sense that he's still alive, for now, but for how long?

"Hasn't clone intelligence reported this weapon never leaves any survivors?" objects Palpatine. None that have been found. That doesn't mean there aren't any. And if Qui-Gon was dead, I would feel it. He's still there, somewhere in the Force. If this meeting isn't over soon, I have every intent of leaving in the middle to search for him. I won't leave him there. And there is a good chance Dooku doesn't want him dead anyway, I remind myself. At least that thought brings a small measure of comfort. If he's alive, we'll be able to find him.

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