Chapter 55 - A Fight For Freedom

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Ahsoka Tano

It's nice, being with all the people when they're celebrating over their victory. My eyes wander over to Lux for a moment where he's standing next to Saw and Steela. Maybe some time later I'll find a chance to talk to him.

I can feel Anakin's eyes on me from the hologram of him and Aniya, but he doesn't say anything. "This development is going to get Dooku's attention, so you'll have to be ready," Anakin finally speaks up, looking to the others.

Aniya nods. "They'll be looking for you to continuously, and Dooku will likely send in droid reinforcements. You will have to keep on confronting them and trying to new tactics to free Onderon."

"We will," Steela asserts determinedly, "And we shall win."

"I don't doubt that." Aniya smiles faintly. She looks tired. Has she slept lately?

"Now you must rally the people. You will need their support. Your ability to influence them will also determine your capacity to represent them not only on the battlefield but off it against your enemies, even within your own ranks," Anakin continues.

"You need a leader for the people to rally behind," Aniya declares, "Your commitment will inspire others and more people will be ready to follow and join you."

"We need to build on our momentum and continue our attacks to keep them off balance," Saw asserts.

"We have to assure the people first," Lux declares, "If we keep disrupting their lives, we risk alienating them. We have to gain their trust." I never knew his mother long, but I can see a lot of her in him. He's worried about his people, like Mina always seemed to be. And to think the war could've already been over if Dooku hadn't intentionally killed her to disrupt the peace process...

"I agree with both of you," Steela speaks up, "We can balance both. We also need to recruit others to join us. Onderon is ours. We will remind everyone and keep reminding them until we get it back."

All the rebels start cheering. "Onderon is ours! Onderon is ours! Free Onderon!"

One of the others stands up. "All in favor of Steela as our leader, raise your hand." Hands all across the room instantly shoot up, and I notice there's hardly anybody who doesn't agree.

Saw glances between them, before turning to Steela, resting a hand on her shoulder briefly. "Looks like it's been decided. You're the leader." Then he turns, walking away. He seems a mixture of upset that he's not the leader, while at the same time happy for Steela.

"Saw?" she calls after him.

"Let him go," Lux interjects, stepping forwards when she moves to follow, "He just needs to blow off some steam. He'll be back."

"I can't," she replies.

"Why?" I wonder.

"He's my brother," she answered before disappearing out the door. Oh. I hadn't known, with certainty. Steela never told us her last name, and while they look vaguely similar, that doesn't always mean anything.

The others begin to disperse now that the meeting is over, and Lux approaches me and Alema. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure," I reply, throwing a glance over at Alema.

"I'll be around. Outside," she says, as a way of excusing herself.

"How have you been?" Lux asks as I fall in step next to him, and we head out into an empty hallway where we can speak privately. It's the first time I've had a truly alone moment with him since coming here, and I'm both nervous and excited.

"Honestly?" I begin, considering his question, "Things have gotten quite a bit worse since Carlac. Krell – wait, do you know who that is?"

Lux nods. "I heard about him a little on the Holonet. A new Separatist general and traitor to the Republic?"

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