Chapter 35 - Test of Time

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Aniya Skywalker

He pauses just inside and glances around as if expecting someone to be there, but there's nothing. We walk inside and I look around the rather large room, but there's nothing in it besides a bed. Which we'll have to share, but that's fine with me.

"So," I say, walking over to it and sitting down, "What happened?"

"Yes, I would very much like to hear why you ran out into a deadly Force-storm to find me when I was just fine," Anakin retorts, crossing his arms. He's never going to let that go, will he?

I groan. "I had a vision, and I guess I wasn't thinking. Now answer my question."

"Well, I came here, went to bed, saw a strange creature in my room, went to talk to the Father, and then you came here. Simple as that."

"Somehow, I doubt that."

"It's true!"

I roll my eyes. "Do I really need to ask for details? What creature did you see?"

Anakin frowns, taking a seat beside me. It's obvious this is something he doesn't want to talk about, but I asked, and he won't refuse to tell me. "At first, it was pretending to be you.... Well... a Sith version of you. But then it turned into a bird-like creature and flew out the window." Wait. He saw it too. Why is this happening? It's more than a little unnerving, and I can't shake the feeling that it was more than a coincidence. Whenever we have visions, they always happen, unless we do something to stop them.

"I saw the creature too. The Son, I'm guessing. Before we went into a cave for shelter," I explain, "And... I saw, well... the same thing as you. But it was you." There, simple as that.

Anakin sits back. "This... I don't know what to make of it. Did the others have visions too?"

"I don't know," I admit sheepishly. "I ran out before they could talk to me." I carefully refrain from adding the last thing I saw. After all, how could you go about telling someone such a thing, anyway?

"Hopefully, they don't follow the same course of insanity and come to find us as well," he teases.

"Hey!" I protest, whacking his arm. "I left you alone on a place like this with a creepy, shapeshifting Dark Sider, if that's what he is, flying around!"

"I was the one who left, by the way," he cheerfully reminds me.

"I don't care! I let you run off!"

"Actually, it was the falling rock that let me do that." He smirks when I glare at him.

"Okay fine," I groan. "Let's go to bed."

"Afraid you lost?" he grins evilly.

"Be quiet!" I yell, unable to stop myself from grinning too.

"But yes, we better get some sleep. Who knows what the Father has in mind for tomorrow?" Anakin decides.

"For some reason, I don't think I want to know," I grumble, flopping out on my side of the bed, staring up at the dark ceiling. Anakin lays down next to me, and I close my eyes, letting myself relax in his presence.

Alema Syndulla

"Now what?" I ask, looking between Obi-Wan and Ahsoka.

"We wait," Obi-Wan sighs, looking more than a little concerned. "We have to wait until the storm lets up. Until then, there's nothing we can do."

Ahsoka sit back down, frowning. "What could she have seen that would upset her so much?"

"I have no idea," I agree, "I've never seen her so upset before."

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