Chapter 27 - Within the Geonosian Core

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Anakin Skywalker

The three of us march straight into the room towards the queen. The clones immediately follow us, stepping to the sides of the chamber, behind the pillars, to wait. The guards tighten their positions around us as we approach.

"I can't believe this," mutters Aniya as none of the Geonosians make a move against us. Nor can I. What are they up to?

"How did you know they wouldn't just attack us?" I ask.

"Because I make observations, while you think with your lightsaber," Obi-Wan states.

"Well, that quick thinking of mine is usually needed when your observations get us into trouble," I huff.

"Exactly," smirks Aniya.

"The queen took Luminara hostage. She wanted a Jedi, now she has three more. I want to know what she's after," Obi-Wan replies.

"Something we might regret later," Aniya argues.

"Well, when this doesn't go as planned, I'll be ready," I decide.

"That is so reassuring," Obi-Wan retorts as we finally come to a stop not far in front of the throne.

"I thought I told you not to follow me, Master Kenobi," Luminara sighs from her position against the wall. Like we were going to listen.

"Yes, well, I took a lesson from Anakin and decided not to follow orders."

"Hey!" I glare at him as Aniya snickers.

"You – you are the creatures that attack Geonosis," the queen growls, leaning forwards. Creatures? Well, I suppose we are, for them. "Why have you come before me?"

"Your Majesty," Obi-Wan begins, "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, and these are Anakin and Aniya Skywalker. It is our sad duty to inform you that your rule is at an end."

"You do not dictate to me, Jedi!" she hisses, "My empire is forever!" Someone is clearly delusional.

"In your dreams, perhaps," mutters Aniya under her breath.

"I'm afraid it does not appear that way, Your Grace," continues Obi-Wan, ignoring my twin's comment, "You shall release the Jedi Luminara and submit to Republic law."

"I won't submit to you!" shouts the queen, shaking her fists pointlessly. The guards in front of us suddenly turn and raise their weapons. Aniya and I immediately activate our lightsabers, preparing for the fight.

"No patience, Wait," chides Obi-Wan. Seriously?! This negotiation is not getting us anywhere and is wasting everybody's time. And it's going to put us in more danger. But for now, until it actually gets us in trouble, I'll follow his lead. At least if it goes wrong, I can blame him for it later.

We both deactivate our lightsabers but stay on high alert as Obi-Wan continues talking to the queen. The guards back away from us again and fly back over to the queen. "Majesty, destroying us shall only make the Republic's judgement of you harsher."

"No, Jedi! No!" she growls, "I no destroy you, I devour you! I control you! I had but one Jedi before young Poggle bring me, but now I have four! Now watch as my child enters your Jedi friend, and once inside, her mind becomes my mind, her thoughts my thoughts." Oh, great. So, she wants to start using mind control on us? No way. I'm not going to stand by and let that happen. One of the bugs flies over to Poggle, handing him a strange looking round object. Poggle raises a wiggling green worm and looks up at Luminara.

"It's a sort of mind control, a hive mind," Obi-Wan observes, "She thinks she can possess us."

"Great. Found out everything you wanted to know?" I question.

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