Chapter 53 - Echoes of the Past

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Author's Note: Just fyi, I posted a bonus chapter for Coming of Dawn from Maul's perspective, which you might want to read before reading this chapter, assuming you haven't already.

Last warning. Go read it first. :) 

~ Amina Gila

Anakin Skywalker

The world slowly comes into focus around me, and I quickly realize that I'm on a bed in what looks like the cabin on a ship somewhere. From the very slight vibration I notice next, the ship is probably in hyperspace.

Where am I? Memories of the past couple days slowly trickle back in. Someone captured me again, and it's not Krell. I don't know who it is, but something about the presence feels... familiar.

"Good, you're finally awake." The familiar figure of a red and black Zabrak steps into view beside my bed.

What – This doesn't even make any sense! I'm hardly even sure I'm seeing right. I thought he died, so many years ago back on Mustafar when Dooku, Qui-Gon, and Obi-Wan had come to rescue Aniya and I from the Muun Sith. "Maul?" I utter, trying to sit up, ignoring the aches throughout my body. He catches my shoulder and shoves me back down with a scowl.

"You'll injure yourself further if you don't hold still."

How is he... even still alive? None of this makes any sense, and I'm not entirely convinced I'm not dreaming. "I don't need a Sith fretting over me," I grumble. What does he want with me, anyway? This isn't something done out of common courtesy. Sith don't do that. What if – what if he's planning to take me to his master? To... the Muun? No. I banish the thought as soon as it comes. He seems impossible to find, and if he captured me... I can't dwell on it.

Maul glares at me – a look which would have been a little more intimidating a decade ago, but it hardly is now. I know full-well if he wanted to hurt me, I couldn't well stop him, but I doubt he would do that. He wasn't... he was never overly cruel. "If you don't heal, you'll be of no use to us," he snaps.

How kind, but while we're on the topic... "What do you want with me?" I ask, holding his gaze, trying to hide my fear. I can't let him see weaknesses. I wish we were at least on even ground, but I highly doubt he'll let me up.

The Sith Lord studies me in silence, as if considering his words. "You used to be my apprentice," he says finally.

Is he seriously – "I'm not going to join the Dark Side, if that's what you're hoping," I snap, glaring at him.

"We have a common interest," Maul replies, scrutinizing me. I hate that look. It's making me way too uncomfortable, and... and I hate this position. It makes me feel vulnerable, and it's a glaring reminder of how he does, in fact, have power over me right now.

"Do we?" I ask sardonically, shifting a little. It doesn't matter. Every inch of me is aching and moving only makes it hurt worse. There's not even a comfortable, painless position I can be in. I try not to focus on it, instead using the Force to siphon it away. It's hard when there's a presence so dark right next to me.

"You want to destroy the Sith, do you not?"

"Uh, that includes you." I twist sideways again, using my right arm to push myself up, gasping against the pain that shoots through my ribs. Ugh, I need to get these tended to soon. I need to get back to the Temple, but I have no idea how.

Maul scowls again, not exactly unlike what he's been doing this entire time. "Stop, or I'll chain you to the bed."

I blink. "You have chains?" I shoot back, knowing it's a pathetic attempt to cover my flare of panic. Being captive, at someone's mercy... it's never something I can handle. Being stuck unable to move, completely defenseless except with the Force, would be... I let myself fall back against the bed. It's the preferable option, because at least I can move if I need to. "And if you wanted an answer to your original question, yes, I suppose I do."

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