Chapter 54 - Onderon

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Aniya Skywalker

I don't even bother trying to conceal my worry as my brother and our padawans stand in the center of the Council chambers, where a hologram of Lux Bonteri and Saw Gerrera plays. The war is steadily growing worse, and I'm being forced to confront the frustrating fact it means we don't have much time to spend with Padme and Jaufre anymore. The galaxy needs us, more than ever. The Republic has been losing ground fast since Krell officially changed loyalties. He may only have been a Knight, which lessened the blow, but he had a lot of information. That, coupled with the fact that he's a deadly fighter, means there is scarcely a battle he can't win. It's like... he's becoming the Separatists version of me, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.

So, yes, I'm worried. We have to hunt him down and end this monster, but I have no idea how to go about it. I shudder at the thought. Last time we fought... I'd rather not think about it.

Shaking those thoughts from mind, I refocus on the hologram. I remember hearing about Lux. Ahsoka and Alema met him, and they were friends. Lux is the son of the now-dead senator, and also one of the leaders of a group of rebels on Onderon. The planet has been unfairly taken over by the Separatists, and they want our help.

I catch him glancing at Ahsoka before the hologram disappears, leaving us and the Council to discuss the situation alone.

Anakin steps forwards first. "There are pockets of rebels on many of these planets that just need guidance. With training and resources, they could attack soft targets while the Republic continues to engage them on the battlefield. We can divide the Separatist forces and press them on two fronts. We can minimize collateral damage by using arms that mainly affect droids."

The Council exchanges glances, obviously thinking over the suggestion. I think there'd normally be a lot more objections, but the Republic is getting desperate now. "The least we can do is help them defend themselves and test the tactic while we're at it," Windu decides finally, "This could be a great new weapon for us."

"Hmm, train and observe. Send advisors, we will," Yoda declares.

"I'll assemble a team," Anakin speaks up immediately.

"I'm coming," I add. Which means both Ahsoka and Alema will be coming with us as well.

"Keep the Council informed," Windu replies, before the meeting officially ends.

Obi-Wan follows the four of us out of the Council chambers. "Be cautious," he warns. "We don't need to come across as terrorists."

"Of course," I agree. "We'll make a point of only damaging droids."

"Even so, be cautious."

"We will be. Promise," Anakin assures. "We should go." I don't want to. I want to stay here, to have time to rest and be a family, but we have to keep pushing.

"May the Force be with you," Obi-Wan calls as we turn to head down the hall.

"And with you," we reply. I cast a glance over my shoulder at him before taking off down the hall. We need to run.

Ahsoka Tano

I won't deny being excited as we jump off the shuttle into the Onderon forest below, and it flies away, leaving us behind. I'm about to meet up with Lux again. I haven't seen him since Carlac, which was quite a while ago. We'd... talking about our feelings for one another in our final conversation before he left, and all this time, I'd been hoping we'd be able to see each other again someday. I might not know him well, but I've missed him.

We keep our hoods pulled up over our heads as we move soundlessly between the trees. The sudden noise of an animal splits the silence, and there's movement in the brush before a dark-skinned girl riding a strange creature I've never seen before step into view. "Stay where you are. Identify yourselves," she orders.

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