Chapter 4 - Ahsoka

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse.

Anakin Skywalker

"So, what's the plan?" Ahsoka asks, jumping to the ground from what she was sitting on moments before. I'm standing at the lookout post, watching as the droids approach us.

"I thought you were the one with the plan," I reply, glancing over at her before returning to observing the droids. And thinking of a way to get past.

"No, I'm the one with enthusiasm. You're the one with the experience, which I'm looking forwards to learning from."

I glance back at her, and she immediately stops her pacing. It's obvious she really does want me to be her master. I'm just not quite certain I want to be, or that I can be. I smile for a second before turning back to the droids. "Well, first, we need to get behind that shield, then get past their tank lines."

"Why don't we just go around? Outflank them?" she asks.

"That'd take too long." And there's no time to waste right now. Time is of essence. Even a minute of waiting could make this much worse.

"Sneak through the middle, then?"

I wish things were that simple. Except they're not. "Impossible. Unless you can turn yourself into a droid." Wait. Maybe we can, actually. If – Yes, that's perfect.

"All right," Ahsoka sighs, "You win. My first lesson will be to wait while you come up with the answer."

"Well, the wait's over. I've got a plan."


Moments later, Ahsoka and I find ourselves under a container, with the army of droids – and the shield surrounding them – slowly approaching us. Carefully, we lift the edge to glance out, then lower it again. They should be over us in moments.

"This is a stupid plan!" hisses Ahsoka, "We should fight these guys instead of just sneaking around." Which would work, if you're confident of our abilities to fight thousands of droids, plus tanks.

"Except for the fact that their deflective energy shield just passed over us," I reply. Now that we're inside, we can try to get to the shield. "If you can't cross their lines, let their lines cross you."

"If you say so," Ahsoka grumbles. Slowly, we start making our way forwards. I can hear the clanking of the droids on all sides. Ahsoka seems to be feeling rather uneasy about all this, but as far as I'm concerned, this is just another ordinary day in the life of the Skywalkers.

"I think we made it past all of them, Master," she declares, "We may pull this off yet."

I don't want to keep crawling around under this thing anymore, but I'm not going to risk getting into a battle and being held up before we even get nearby. "We still have a way to go before we get to the generator station."

"Do we still need this thing?" Ahsoka questions. "I can't take it anymore. I have to stand up," she insists a moment later, picking up her side and standing up, leaving me with no choice but to do the same.

"You have got to be careful!" I lecture. If we weren't walking around with this thing over our heads, maybe it wouldn't be so dangerous. "You never know what you're gonna run into." Right on cue, we crash right into something without even seeing it, knocking us both over backwards. "See what I mean?" I cry as a destroyer turns around and starts shooting at us.

We both ignite our lightsabers – Ahsoka's being green – and start deflecting the bolts while scrambling backwards as fast as we can, then standing up. Destroyers are probably the worst kind of droid since they have a shield. It makes them nearly impossible to destroy unless you can get close enough to actually get through, the chance of which is very low.

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