Chapter 37 - Well of the Dark Side

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Anakin Skywalker

Before I have a moment to react, the Son raises a hand and blinding bolts of red lightning are unleashed on us. Aniya spins around and raises her lightsaber a moment too late. She's flung backwards, and pain flares through our bond. It's enough to snap me out of my daze.

"Master!" Alema yells, running to her.

He's turning towards Obi-Wan. I'm up in a flash, all sense of reasoning abandoning me. I won't let him hurt my brother. Plus, he still has the dagger. I lunge forwards, only to be met by a blinding bolt of lightning. Agony consumes all my other senses. It only lasts a moment, but it feels like eternity. "You will not stop me!" he roars.

"Master!" Ahsoka's hovering over me, expression one of worry. I can't bring myself to respond verbally as I struggle to catch my breath, ignoring the lingering pain. It was worse than Geonosis, or maybe I've just forgotten. Ahsoka looks fearfully up towards the balcony, and I follow her gaze. Apparently, I wasn't the only one the Son had been shooting lightning at. He's holding the dagger, standing over the Father. Oh no.

"The Jedi have brought me the dagger," he gloats, "And you have brought yourself. Now, Father, you will die." He raises the blade.

No. I can't let him do this. I can't. I move over, pushing an arm under myself to push myself upright, Ahsoka helping me sit up. But I'm not strong enough to jump right into another fight. I'm exhausted, now both physically and mentally. I need to rest, but I can't sit here and watch

"No!" Aniya yells, throwing her hand out to pull the Son back. The same moment, the Daughter shoots forwards, throwing herself in front of the Father. The dagger cuts into her just as Aniya yanks him – and the dagger with him – backwards.

The Son stumbles back, staring down at his hands as if they'd betrayed him – which they probably did. Maybe. "Why?" he cries finally. Lighting flashes nearby, thunder rolling across the rocky terrain with a deafening crash. His howl of rage and pain transforms into a growl as he shifts back into a bird, giant wings flapping as he disappears up into the clouded night sky.

Aniya is at my side instantly, helping me up. I'm still a little unsteady, but I guess I'll be fine now. Alema starts forwards, but then changes her direction and runs to Obi-Wan. "Are you okay?" I ask, looking over at him.

"I'm fine," he insists. I don't believe him, but my attention is drawn towards the pair atop the ledge. The Father is lowering the Daughter to the ground, pulling the dagger out of her and tossing it aside. We hurry over as he sits down beside her, joining them on her other side. I kneel next to her shakily, Obi-Wan sitting down next to me. Aniya stands behind us, one hand resting on my shoulder and the other on Obi-Wan's. There's something slightly protective in her stance, and I don't bother trying to deal with the strangeness of it. Ahsoka takes her place beside me, and I wrap an arm around her, glad to have her here. Alema crouches next to Obi-Wan.

"My daughter, what have I done?" the Father asks rhetorically, the pain obvious in his voice. I can't believe she's really dying. Is she? It hardly seems possible. I'd almost thought they were immortal. I wish there was something – anything – I could do to help them.

"Do not hate him, Father," she answers softly, "It is in his nature. It is not too late yet." Too late for what?

The Father seems to understand without asking, because he turns back to us. "You must go, now. My son needs your ship to leave the planet. You must leave before he can take it."

"What about you?" Aniya asks.

"After your departure, I will put my daughter in a healing trace. She may yet live, but the balance on this world has been altered. The light is falling, and evil has been unleashed. Until the balance on this world is restored, war shall escalate in your galaxy. As my son has descended into the Dark Side, so have the Sith gained strength. Now, you must leave."

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