Chapter 8 - Back Into The Desert

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Warning: Mentions/implied child abuse!

We have finished a second tribute for Vader on our YT channel. Check it out if you're interested. :P No spaces in the link: youtu . be / TrRylvLR0fE

~ Amina Gila

Aniya Skywalker

At last, the ship emerges from hyperspace, revealing the painfully familiar red ball of Tatooine looming in front of us. "I was hoping I'd never have to lay eyes on this dustball again," Anakin grumbles as we approach the planet.

"Same here," I mutter from beside him, tempted to look away.

"Okayyy..." Alema trails off, clearly confused and curious, but she's not going to prod, and I'm grateful for that.

"What happened?" Ahsoka inquires after a pause. I do my best to conceal my flinch. Our mother died in our arms back there, and we showed our true colors. Is that why no one at the Temple could tolerate us? Because we were too dark? Because Darth Maul himself taught us?

"I don't want to talk about it," Anakin states flatly, sinking back down into his seat.

"Let's just say things weren't wonderful," I manage to get out before quickly changing the topic. Both my brother and I are good at that. It's something we've learned from growing up at the Temple. "How's Stinky holding up?"

"He seems to be feeling much better," declares Alema, glancing over her shoulder to where the Huttlet is sleeping atop a ledge on the wall next to Artoo. "At least he'll live."

"His fever is gone," adds Ahsoka, "And even you have to admit he's cute when he's asleep." I turn the chair I'm sitting in to look back at him. He's lying on his back covered with a blanket by Ahsoka's insistence – I thought it was unnecessary, since it literally only covers his tail – finally managing to look somewhat peaceful.

"I admit I like him better when he's quiet, but only a little," Anakin answers, emphasizing the last word. Liar. I know full well that he finds the Huttlet slightly adorable, even if it reminds us both of our past. It's a foolish hope, but I hope this one will grow into something a little better than his father.

"Hm, possibly," I concur, not planning on admitting it any more than my brother.

Artoo rolls forwards to stand right behind the padawans, beeping to us. "No, Artoo. I want the cannons operational first. Leave the rear deflector shields for later," Anakin commands.

"No rear shields, Master? That's awfully risky," Ahsoka worries.

"What if there's droids waiting there for us?" Alema points out slowly.

"A strong attack eliminates the need for defense, Snips."

I turn my attention back to the screens in front of me to monitor the surrounding area. "Attack ships closing!" I report hastily, "Somebody doesn't want Sticky to get home in one piece."

"As expected," Alema sighs.

Just then the approaching ships open fire on us. "Wow!" exclaims Ahsoka, "Quite a welcome home party!" She has a point, and it's good to know someone else wants us to stay away from that planet as much as I do myself.

"Set the approach sector and make ready to land," I command.

"Ahsoka, Alema, activate the guns!" Anakin orders.

"All the guns are locked in the forward position," I realize in annoyance as the ship trembles violently again from impact, nearly throwing the two off their feet. Alema grabs my chair to prevent herself from faceplanting past me into the control panel.

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